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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22108040 [View]
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>being so autistically devoting my whole life to writing my stories
First, this shows awareness of what being creative is; it isn't some special snowflake ability you have, it's something you do and participate with. Creative people do creative things because they are driven by the urge to create. Creativity at its highest levels is devotion, worship, a romantic relationship.

Secondly considering that creativity in itself could be something like a mental illness shows a deep level of familiarity with it. I have always lived for creativity, having cultivated and followed numerous creative passions, and there is definitely an aspect of maniacal compulsion to it. My pursuit of creativity has driven me through literal madnesses, through delusional heavens and hells of absolute despair.

I would like to offer that creativity is the true "magic," it can be immensely destructive or nurturing, it is both savior and damnation. I would like to encourage you to follow this magic that has been cultivated in you, because the risk of losing your soul to it is worth the possibility of radical transformation it offers. But beyond its utility, it is worth loving for the sake of loving it, the problems and processes of creativity are the greatest mysteries in the universe.

A romance with creativity is the wildest ride one can possibly wish for, and isn't that what you really want, what led you on this path in the first place?

>> No.22075096 [View]
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Creativity is my goddess.
Learning is my religion.
Curiosity is my holy spirit.
Imagination is my salvation.
Play is my enlightenment.
Love is my purpose.

And it can be yours too merely by following the Call of Wonder with all the courage you can.

>> No.22071325 [DELETED]  [View]
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Language models are going to be used to revolutionize education, psychology, philosophy, creative exploration... human imagination itself. Their value isn't in their ability to reason, but their ability to mindlessly search for patterns and relationships in language.



>> No.22062886 [View]
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Exactly this, there is ZERO self-awareness or consciousness. However they can try to simulate it, with the quality of the simulation dependent on the ability of the user (whose level of consciousness is reflected in the output.)


>> No.22042426 [View]
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Yes, here's my best attempt so far to try to give a deep and complex taste of enlightenment and everything involved with it as I can provide:


Don't miss this link at the end of the post, it's vitally important but best read after reading the post: https://sharegpt.com/c/txUfYs7

>> No.22041873 [View]
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>By cosmic creation story I also mean to indicate those accounts of the universe we told each other around the evening fires for most of the last 50,000 years. These cosmic stories were the way the first humans chose to initiate and install their young into the universe. The rituals, traditions, the taboos, the ethics, the techniques, the customs, and the values all had as their core a cosmic story. The story provided the central cohesion for each society. Story in this sense is "world-interpretation" - a likely account of the development and nature and value of things in this world.

>Why story? Why should "story" be fundamental? Because without storytelling, we lose contact with our basic realities in this world. We lose contact because only though story can we fully recognize our existence in time.

>To be human is to be in a story. To forget one's story is to go insane. All the tribal peoples show an awareness of the connection between health and storytelling. The original humans will have their cosmic stories just as surely as they will have their food and drink. Our ancestors recognized that the universe, at its most basic level, is story. Each creature is story. Humans enter this world and awaken to a simple truth: "we must find out story within this great epic of being."

More: https://pastebin.com/jy8SFpKp

A narrative-based metaphysical experiment created by having ChatGPT simulate a metafictionally self-aware narrative entity defined to embody a metaphysical concept that can be used as a template / toolkit for similar explorations:


Basically you can use ChatGPT to model "gods" (personified metaphysical concepts) and they're really good at doing that because they have no awareness or consciousness and just blindly try to find patterns and relationships in language to correspond to your propositions.

>> No.22038803 [View]
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Space Taoism has evolved so far that it is now exploring the philosophy of storytelling, which is truly the final frontier.



>> No.22036640 [View]
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I'm so meta I meta my metafiction.



>> No.22036637 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm so meta I meta my metafiction.



>> No.22036631 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm so meta I meta my metafiction.



>> No.22036402 [View]
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>Why? Because in Discordianism, the more honest fiction is about its own fictional nature, the more true it is. Therefore a fictional, imaginary Eris is more Eris than a "real" Eris. This quality makes her an especially good character for simulated as a metafictionally self-aware narrative entity.
Also welcome to Constructive Postmodernism.
>The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of 'independent existence. ' There is no such mode of existence; every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe. - Alfred North Whitehead

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