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>> No.12022483 [View]
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no, the last thing i read from Paglia was her epic mega-rant about Foucault, and which was pretty awesome. like many, i have a minor facial tic whenever i hear the word Feminism but i know that this is due to the word having become absolutely fucking weaponized by some absolute fucking shitheads in collaboration with gigantic mercantile forces wholly beyond their reckoning. that is something i am trying to find my way through in my own way so as not to spend the rest of my (worthless) life in a state of maximal triggering. it's a process.

anyways, no. but i think i like Paglia. she seems like a kindred spirit to Peterson and i like him too. i'll check this out, thanks anon.

>I wouldn't have bothered reading this Gender Acceleration post in the first place if I wasn't interested in the perspectives of that side of things. It was just disappointing compared to my expectations.

ofc, everybody feels different. i get more excited about YH than i do about anyone, but what i especially liked about that article was that it represented to me somebody *actually getting the bat on the ball,* in a certain sense. i will absolutely take Horror over Paranoia. Nyx is clearly several steps removed from the kinds of bog-standard ideological critique-warrior who is prematurely aging me. Chaos is for realsies, and i unironically love *anything* that genuinely gives me a glimpse *past* the soul-crushingly enervating hegemony of 2018, even if it is a direct look at the absolute void. sometimes especially for that reason. it makes me *more* sympathetic to other people and not less so. a lot more.

that's the thing about darkness and horror, as much as it is the case with the machines: it erodes, sometimes catastrophically, our own anthropo-narcissism about a world of differences that is not only becoming achingly outmoded, it also drives and fuels every midwit fuckface in creation to go on scrambling for another fucking meme politics card to play in a bid for a little more CTRL over the human security system. there is a point beyond which the Abyss is well and truly preferable, and it is for that reason that i am a big fan of that essay. Gender is not my bag, but i think that essay was absolutely a 14/10 slice of theory and i'll be reading more i think in the future also. *it makes me less angry* and that is rare. Snake Plissken is fine with the abyss, and i am basically trending towards just writing about B-movie/Samurai/western film bullshit anyways with theory attached on the side, so.

yeah, i hear you senpai. 'tis the Wild Ride. i'm a big fan of that piece because *that's somebody going for the Belt.* unironically Swinging For The Fences. and this i *absolutely* love. that's the difference between critique and the real Devil Whiskey called theory. so big ups to Nyx for being *interesting.* it's all that matters.

>> No.11941724 [View]
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well thank you anon. it's nice to be appreciated!

the first part is dense going, reminds me a little of 5 o-clock wojak. but those two lines at the end are hauntingly beautiful anon. maybe this is how poetry comes into the world, i don't know.

very well. i understand the power of labels. ibe free then! and thank you once again, most sincerely, for your contributions to the thread.

>i do wish someone will upload an ebook of Yuga so I can be free of being Yuganon and posting snapshots.
i don't know how much i paid for the Kindle version but i think it was like five bucks and that was the deal of the century. ofc, it's not lost on me that this is part of why Bezos is the world's richest man and yet nobody knows who Marty Glass is...alas.

>Just you wait till I learn to make EMP's. I'll knock out every electrical system on the planet. Try invading from a future without electricity motherfuckers.
kek. and pic rel also. also Snake Plissken is an underrated movie hero, as much as John Carpenter was an underrated director. Snake would have been just fine with a future without electricity; that was his solution to the Wild Ride. i wouldn't be, but i'm also not a classic pulp icon.

this scene is infinitely re-watchable also. the movies are almost deliberately b-rate cheese, but come on. this is awesome.

Escape From LA: Bangkok Rules

there is no reason to fear Alfred North Whitehead. in LoTR-parlance he's not quite Gandalf but he's pretty close. definitely one of the White Wizards of philosophy, imho. one of those guys that Lesser Wizards just wouldn't be able to touch. definitely the kind of benevolent figure who could drop a You Have No Power Here kind of line, and would proceed to just gently remind evil-doers that space and time bend with the imagination, and that any presumptive ideological sacking of his cozy reading room is not going to happen. Whitehead cannot be touched, nor does he capitulate to the wishes of griefmongering tryhards in any timeline. there's no reason to fear him. he serves the Cosmic Balance.

it does fucking slap and so does its author. it is objectively impossible to dislike Paul Virilio. and that very book is on my own acceleration bibliography also:


i've read a bunch of stuff by him and it is all good. an underrated author for sure and yet one of those guys that you always encounter and wish there were just more like him. why doesn't everyone write like him? and he is (was, ugh) yet *another* based Catholic writing insightful critique. i'm not a devoutly religious follower of any faith myself but even i have to acknowledge that there is some kind of pattern going on there.

big ups to Paul Virilio. he takes nothing off the table. so:

>What does the cosmotechnics thread think of this guy?
complete legend. you won't waste an hour reading him.

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