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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20747085 [View]
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Read "Character and Viewpoint" by Orson Scott Card, for starters. Hear what other authors have to say about it, do your own analysis of characters and then figure out what works for you.
Far and away the most important thing I think for a character is what motivates him. That is how you know a character as the author, know what he's going to do and how it shaped his personality. And how deep a character is up to you because some short stories don't explore characters as much as other things, but novels and longer serializations would do well to be mindful of character motivation even if it's not spelled out.

>> No.20644689 [View]
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With a pencil I underline any aphorisms or ideas that I want to quote, allude to or challenge in my own writing. I make note of words I've never seen before and want to use. I make dashes, circles and asterisks in the margins as different reasons to notice the text. I leave a curly brace in the margin for prose that I want to analyze to understand why it hit me so hard.
It's all for my own study so if I want to revisit main ideas I can quickly reference it or skim through the book in 30 minutes or an hour. I almost never write actual words on the page. I will transcribe some of the stuff into a notebook but only for a given project.

>> No.19798446 [View]
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Don't think too hard, that's what I say.

>> No.19450758 [View]
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I was about to recommend Writing Excuses but nevermind. I found it fairly useful but skipped sensitivity episodes. I would find one with more literary lean to it but I'm just reading books in spare time and podcasts only for the highway.

>> No.19344883 [View]
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That's kinda weird. While for now I'm more interested in Southern Gothic, scifi and historical fiction, here are some things I'd do if I got into fantasy:
>magic system based on motivation, not quantitative power or 4d chess battle of wits
>can highlight character epiphanies, juxtapose will with a concrete image rather than abstract
>consequences for magic guaranteed and vary per system, so no spell-slinging to solve problems
>2x2 quadrant with some combinations of motivations, the most pernicious fourth system is secret for a long time, but hinted at
>avoid magic school cringe
>instead of world building wiki entries in the story, world build by dropping bits of information with something more important (e.g. teach something about setting as we learn about a character, or raise a question about the world when look at the setting)

>> No.18882710 [View]
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First draft done and now going through second rough draft where I'm checking
>check each scene's structure and if they fulfill their purpose
>if characterization is correct
>incorporate more style as my first draft is really basic
>check technical details (economy, science) that have to be right
It should take me a few weeks to get through it and honestly feel much more confident about the novel from earlier this year. If I keep at it I can have a "final" copy to send out by early December.
I don't have a comp title yet but if I had to describe it
>Revelation before things get better
>scifi horror in a transhuman utopian setting
Highly derivative but I think I synthesize enough to make it cool.

>> No.11690821 [View]
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The Metro 2033 game is better than the book

>> No.10482272 [DELETED]  [View]
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I`m looking for:

microeconomics neoclassical and institutionalist perspectives on economic behaviour
By Himmelweit, S., R. Simonetti and A. Trigg, Cengage Learning.
ISBN-13: 978-1861525390
ISBN-10: 1861525397

I am unable to find is through major sites like bookzz and many others, can anyone help me? You will be my eternal hero.

>> No.10477722 [View]
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For poetry, yes, that's acceptable

>> No.8422628 [View]
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Just get the $2 one for an ebook reader

>> No.6858129 [View]
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>I'm mediocre and thus everyone else is

>> No.6850173 [DELETED]  [View]
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If nothing in a fiction book actually happened why read them? Seems like a waste of time.

>> No.6313852 [View]
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>if it is written, it means the writer thinks it


>> No.5922924 [View]
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Does English have an inherent advantage over French, German and Russian when it comes to writing?
This goes for virtually anything:


>> No.5821584 [DELETED]  [View]
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Could God, being the omnipotent and all-powerful being that he is:

Create a stone so heavy that even he could not lift it?

>> No.5600888 [View]
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now I might be wrong but I don't think corn existed back in roman times anon

>> No.4825155 [View]
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>Keep proselytizing the good word of Marx, unsullied by secondary scholarship or opinions.
>OP's topic is specifically about the word of Marx and not secondary scholarship or opinions that intentionally try to sully the work

>> No.4662112 [View]
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Why would anyone need to 'believe' in an omni-potent, all pervasive cosmic entity? Shouldn't something of such immense power and influence be easily observable?

>> No.4271303 [View]
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Harm in what sense?

The concept of a literal word of God is much easier for Johnny Q. Heathen to understand. The massive amounts of historical, theological and philosophical knowledge needed to fully appreciate the reality of the Bible could have stunted Christianity's growth.

>> No.3703249 [View]
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> tfw I realize that browsing /lit/ at 2 in the morning is actually quite fun.

absolutely true! But please keep in mind that I´m not talking about whether life IS a repeating process or not, but rather about how one should act If life WAS repeating process (eventhough one realizes that - logically - this idea does not make any sense.

Yes, you would not be bothered...until you picked up a nietzsche book and read exactly this excerpt and thus start thinking about eternal recurrence.

shut the fuck up. Nietzsche did not kill god, mankind did. Nietzsche was rather an observer than a murderer. Religious retards who write "Nietzsche is dead" have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.3229490 [View]
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I care, but I'm not OP, which is to say I like Islam, Muslims, and Muslim culture.

>> No.3083362 [View]
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>If you believe in anything, why do you need to read a book.
How do you propose learning anything?

>> No.3002345 [View]
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>implying Ulysses is not the most perfectly written book in the English language

>> No.2901044 [View]
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>I don't consider it a good book

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