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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22078552 [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, Discworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistborn or Stormlight from Sanderson are both good choices.
Could also do ASoIaF (hiatus), Gentleman Bastards (hiatus), Wheel of Time, Farseer trilogy, LotR (if she doesn't have it already), Earthsea, or Lightbringer. There's tons more but that's just off the top of my head.
Also, I listed the hiatus stuff only because she's a fan of Kingkiller which is also on hiatus, so she probably won't mind too much, plus people really like those books.
I've read all of those and they're all stuff that is both very popular and not grimdark (brutally violent and/or depressing) so it's fine for most moms nor is it too nerdy/complicated/weird for casual fantasy readers.
Could also do Discworld if you want something that's got a fair bit of comedy while still being in a fantasy setting.

>> No.20672783 [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, The_Discworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does lit think of the discworld series? I was surprised how well the world was well fleshed out for comedic fiction.

I got this for my wife. Its alright, some of the pages werent trimmed apart from one another but nothing a razor blade wont fix.

>> No.19944694 [View]
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What do we think of the Discworld series? I never see it discussed here.

>> No.14018278 [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are /lit/'s favorite discworld novels? I've only ever read men at arms.

>> No.13869007 [View]
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There's not a huge amount of fiction discussion going on at the moment, so I thought I'd take a thread to talk about one of the most charming fiction series out there, and to ask what people here like the most about it [if they do at all], and which installments are their favourite in it. I've always loved Mort the most though that is a fairly popular opinion, they story and journey of it are enjoyable but I love the existentialism present throughout too.

>> No.11691268 [View]
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I like the way Discworld does it, with a number of main characters but each book nonetheless a standalone, and I plan to follow a similar procedure myself. My first book is a complete story in its own right, and the next two are going to have entirely different main heroes - but all three, as well as several others, are expected to show up again in whole new adventures.

There are exceptions of course, but on the whole I think that the story should fit into a single book, a single movie, or a single TV series season. You can kick off a sequel from where the last story left off, sure, but ideally they should all stand on their own as complete stories, should you only pick up one and for a reason or another not bother with the rest.

>> No.11588197 [View]
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By all rights, pic related should be a Reddit-tier series, but for some reason or another it isn't really. It's got the wacky zaney, the wit, the le deconstruction of le fantasy genre™, but it's not really something you see losers wear graphic tees of.

>> No.9434783 [View]
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Anything Discworld

>> No.5872510 [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, The_Discworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been browsing /lit/ for about a month now and I would like to ask you, "well of knowledge," what book did /lit/ like before they were popular and has since shunned.

I am particularly interested in your thoughts about Disk World

>> No.5754041 [View]
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I was wondering if there is a recommended reading order for the Discworld books?
what does /lit/ think about them and Terry Pratchett?

>> No.4981964 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, Based pratchett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's /lit/ think of some based terry pratchett?

Or do you guys/gals dig that sorta thing around here?

>> No.4708250 [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, The_Discworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else on /lit/ enjoy Terry Pratchett and particularly Discworld novels?
I recently discovered them and have started reading them chronologically between more "serious" reads and I'm really enjoying them.
What are some of your favorites?
Do you read chronologically, by specific characters, or randomly?

tl;dr Discworld general

>> No.4654359 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 352 KB, 660x900, The_Discworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /lit/ like the heavy stuff, but for a change of pace I'd like to talk about something lighter. Does /lit/ like the Discworld? I've been reading them off and on for like 6 years now, have probably read about 25 of them. I've enjoyed every one so far.

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