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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16878958 [View]
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where do i post my dick

>> No.16201192 [View]
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>> No.13784854 [View]
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I'm working on an essay where I read a short philosophical work and try to exegete it as Christians would exegete the bible. Right now I'm writing a commentary on giovanni gentiles essay doctrines and origin of fascism and just finished writing about the first few lines. The original purpose behind it was because I was trying to remember what I read and because giovanni uses a lot of vague language I thought that interacting with the text would be the best way to help myself understand and memorise it. I didn't know how to quite frame this and so I will just call it a critique thread since this is like the first time I've written something like this for the public to see and so I would highly desire some critique in order to help me improve my writing skills as well as essay writing skills. If you see me try to hard to sound smart, ignore it. It's just me being immature and trying too hard but I haven't edited it and is a first draft and so if you see anything that doesn't make grammatical sense then just ignore but I'm still learning how to write. I am not a facsist although do agree with some tenents but just wanted to give my reading skills and expository skills a try and see how things go. I don't know much about the political climate in italy at the time and at times I make assumptions and guess as to what the writer might be referring to.

Not sure if it's a pleb thing to do but I used Microsoft word and if there are better softwares then feel free to also reccomend. Any advice, no matter how difficult and hard is much appreciated.

And here is the essay: file:///C:/Users/mmi/Documents/My%20Stuff/What%20are%20the%20origins%20and%20doctrine%20of%20fascism.pdf

pic unrelated and just a image that came with my laptop.

>> No.11749628 [View]
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Will studying a STEM field and working a STEM job inhibit my ability to study philosophy?

>> No.11619336 [View]
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does anyone here actually write

>> No.11246942 [View]
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Broke AF, need to find free PDF
The novel's called Watch Out by Joseph Suglia

It goes for 50 dollars on Amazon, which I just can't afford. Please, friendos, help a fella out

>> No.10656856 [View]
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Even though there are important objections to utilitarianism (and other forms of act consequentialism) that many find compelling, there are good reasons to treat utilitarianism seriously as an account of what makes an action morally right or morally wrong.Here are four of them. (There are others.)(1)Utilitarianism provides an attractive account of what the point of morality is.At times, morality can seem arbitrary and pointless. Utilitarianism contends that morality has a purpose, and that purpose is anattractive one: it is to promote the well-being of humans and other sentient beings (see Smart, p. 68).(2)Utilitarianism provides a justification for many of our considered moral judgments.For example, utilitarianism provides a justification for our firm conviction that helping those in need, keeping promises, and fair dealing are morally right, because these actions usuallymaximize overall well-being. Likewise, utilitarianism provides a justification for our firm conviction that wanton violence, deception, and theft are morally wrong, because these actions only rarelymaximize overall well-being.(3)Utilitarianism provides concrete guidance for selecting and revising moral rules.Which moral rules should we accept? Should we accept moral rules that prohibit abortion or capital punishment? Should we revise the moral rules we already accept to permit plural marriage?Utilitarianism offersconcrete guidance for answering questions like these. We should accept moral rules that prohibit abortion or capital punishment or whatever if our accepting such rules would maximize overall well-being; otherwise, we should not. We should revise the moral rules we already accept to permit plural marriage or whatever if doing so would maximize overall well-being; otherwise, we should not.(4)Utilitarianism provides a justification for “the standard items in rights manifestos.”1Rights to life, liberty, and security of the person, contractual rights, and property rights can all be justified on utilitarian assumptions, because they can all be effective means for promoting overall well-being. A society will do a better job of promoting the well-being of its members, and well-being in general, if it recognizes and enforces such rights.2Given these and other considerations, it is reasonable to treat utilitarianism seriously as an account of what makes our actions morally right or morally wrong. But there are also important objections to utilitarianism that some find compelling. And there are alternative moral theories to consider.

>> No.10276626 [View]
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dont have a pic LOL but here's my IQ test
<a href="http://www.free-iqtest.net" title="IQ Test"><img src="http://www.free-iqtest.net/images/badges2/l75.gif" width="200" height="100" alt="IQ Test" border="0"></a><br/><a title="IQ Test" href="http://www.free-iqtest.net">IQ Test</a>

>> No.9542078 [View]
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Western Whites: Don't get competitive for Russia, especially mid through stupid conversation with other races; instead, claim "I am with Russia", and revert to normal thought procedure!

>> No.9117134 [View]
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Pick one.

>> No.9046793 [View]
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I have a question /lit/.
I feel like i am a character from a book.
I believe everything, until it’s debunked as false. If I can’t read the facial expressions, it wouldn’t occur to me that someone would lie. I seemingly can’t grasp the motives, for I think in motives. If I can’t see a reason to lie I take it as true. I feel that this trait is one, which a character in a book would have.
Even if someone talks shit on this pesky website, I take it as a full statement, for I only judge the statement and feel that anyone who would write something on this site must be as pure at heart as me. I seemingly can’t divert from my stance. Has anyone else had this problem?
Also I feel that I am deeply empathic, which clouds my vision, how do I regulate my thoughts and inner feelings?

>> No.8951008 [DELETED]  [View]
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So, i do smoke weed sometimes (aprox once a week) and i did notice that when i'm high, i can see things more clearly. I don't think as much and therefore i can see what is of importance and what isn't. And it isn't that usual stoner shit, i actually can understand my friends, their motivations and so on much better, i think that is because i don't project and just take the information as it is.
Now to my question, is it stupid to smoke anyway? I haven't noticed any downsides from being high, though I'm not sure if it is good for me. I'm 21 atm.

>> No.8677443 [View]
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I've got an idea, we make a description of something and we have to guess what we are. Here's an example:
Drifting towards certain demise – though when demise is due isn’t defined.
Sometime in the near future the monster with millions of legs will come to kick us into the hungry abyss, which is his companions’ mouth.
I dread the day, I dread everything apart of my home. I wish I were more in control. That is only for our maker to have.
What I am most afraid of, is that our god controlls the monster.

>> No.7851493 [View]
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where is the Discord link?

>> No.7403941 [View]
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come on lit

>> No.7126097 [View]
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twice as many luxury cars were produced as in the 1980s

twice as many luxury cars as in the 1980s were produced --- which one is true

>> No.7064139 [View]
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Doesn't it seem like the best writers are the ones who are the most efficient, clear, and thorough? The best writing just feels air tight and the like the best way to express an idea.

>> No.6943497 [View]
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>Norwegian Wood
>We Are Not Ourselves
>The Pale King

>> No.6600426 [View]
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For lack of a better image - this is my mind as it concerns the division between post-structuralists/post-modernists and everyone else. It is an empty void and it is no wonder, I am a mere first year undergraduate student at a relatively mediocre university.

Nevertheless I want to know what the fuss is about as it concerns these folk. Half because I don't want to become one (they are villains among the groups I listen to speak), and half because I have no idea what they are.

I have seen it written here that post-structuralists/post-modernists are mouthpieces for power elites. Do explain how a Marxist is ever a mouthpiece for a power elite in a capitalist-driven society.

Please provide an example of a social phenomenon that can be explained both in post-structural/post-modernist terms and I guess also whatever its anterior argument.

Thanks a lot. To whoever is helpful, you are hereby granted one congratulatory internets.

>> No.6545159 [View]
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What are some REVITALIZING books that help counteract the dehumanizing process inherent in modern consumer society?

>> No.6468541 [View]
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Is there a philosophy that suggests that every single thing and ever single moment of our universe necessarily happens and everything that is there is necessarily there? That the universal properties are necessary and that everything that has happened/existed and will happen/exist is the only possible thing that could happen?

>> No.6432358 [View]
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Anyone know any good books that deal with the theme of patience? Or just any self help books?

>> No.6425700 [View]
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Are there any Christian texts that can clear up why sin and evil occurs if God created everything? I read Job recently and the answer seems to be that all of our troubles and all of the evil in the world occurs for reasons we cannot and never will be able to comprehend. It seems as though the universe is still perfect and God is still perfect, and all of the things that seem unfair and unjust to us now are part of an incredibly vast universe, and only seem big because we're so small.

>> No.6342735 [View]
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How can people live life without feeling an overwhelming sense of mystery and joy? Even simply seeing is something that should inspire us all with wonder, much less thinking. Have you ever took a look around your room and attempted to just remove your thoughts and ideas for just a moment, and strain to look at things as they are? Have you ever just let the drops of water fall off of you after washing and watched how they all went in the same direction and fell right off of your hands? Have you ever lay down on the grass and look at the clouds move or felt the wind? How people can have the nerve to claim that they're bored or that they're sad while they still can experience the universe is beyond me.

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