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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20862545 [View]
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>> No.20111954 [View]
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Who else graduated from Christianity to accepting the Urantia Book as true revelation

>> No.18988460 [View]
File: 307 KB, 791x397, URANTIA READER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most important book in the world right now.

>> No.18755355 [View]
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The very pessimism of the most pessimistic materialist is, in and of itself, sufficient proof that the universe of the pessimist is not wholly material. Both optimism and pessimism are concept reactions in a mind conscious of values as well as of facts. If the universe were truly what the materialist regards it to be, man as a human machine would then be devoid of all conscious recognition of that very fact. Without the consciousness of the concept of values within the spirit-born mind, the fact of universe materialism and the mechanistic phenomena of universe operation would be wholly unrecognized by man. One machine cannot be conscious of the nature or value of another machine.
A mechanistic philosophy of life and the universe cannot be scientific because science recognizes and deals only with materials and facts. Philosophy is inevitably superscientific. Man is a material fact of nature, but his life is a phenomenon which transcends the material levels of nature in that it exhibits the control attributes of mind and the creative qualities of spirit.
The sincere effort of man to become a mechanist represents the tragic phenomenon of that man's futile effort to commit intellectual and moral suicide. But he cannot do it.

>> No.18088376 [View]
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Its the most legit

Extremely based it influenced one of the most well known and successful tea companies

Quran is pretty legit in that its nearly unparalleled in its global influence (maybe second only to the Bible)

No reason to think this, Urantia readers are usually above-average intelligence (the book itself will filter the insincere)

>> No.17847222 [View]
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This is how you persuade atheists of the existence of God:
>experience God
>become based due to the Presence of God
>atheist is awed by the majesty of your divinely inspired character
>atheist now believes in God

>> No.17715581 [View]
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The Bible may be both fiction and non-fiction, but nonetheless its 'a superb collection of letters, laws, legends, allegories, myths, poems, and chronicles which, after all, reflect the winnowed moral wisdom of many centuries, at least up to the time and event of their being assembled as a "sacred book."'

>> No.17397478 [View]
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92:7.3.The many religions of Urantia are all good to the extent that they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man. It is a fallacy for any group of religionists to conceive of their creed as The Truth; such attitudes bespeak more of theological arrogance than of certainty of faith. There is not a Urantia religion that could not profitably study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in every other faith, for all contain truth. Religionists would do better to borrow the best in their neighbors' living spiritual faith rather than to denounce the worst in their lingering superstitions and outworn rituals.

92:7.4.All these religions have arisen as a result of man's variable intellectual response to his identical spiritual leading. They can never hope to attain a uniformity of creeds, dogmas, and rituals—these are intellectual; but they can, and some day will, realize a unity in true worship of the Father of all, for this is spiritual, and it is forever true, in the spirit all men are equal.

>> No.16901015 [View]
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I love the Urantia book. It changed my life


>> No.16852291 [View]
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Has /lit/ taken the Urantia pill yet?

>> No.16793889 [View]
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play some meditation music


>> No.16789686 [View]
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>> No.16698064 [View]
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Do these guys read the Urantia papers?


>> No.16665198 [View]
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>> No.16426057 [View]
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Seen it shown here a few times. What is the general gist of it? Is it a worthwhile read or just schizo nonsense?

>> No.16420695 [View]
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Rationalism is wrong when it assumes that religion is at first a primitive belief in something which is then followed by the pursuit of values. Religion is primarily a pursuit of values, and then there formulates a system of interpretative beliefs. It is much easier for men to agree on religious values—goals—than on beliefs—interpretations. And this explains how religion can agree on values and goals while exhibiting the confusing phenomenon of maintaining a belief in hundreds of conflicting beliefs—creeds. This also explains why a given person can maintain his religious experience in the face of giving up or changing many of his religious beliefs. Religion persists in spite of revolutionary changes in religious beliefs. Theology does not produce religion; it is religion that produces theologic philosophy.

>> No.16350206 [View]
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>> No.16342628 [View]
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Suppose, as a hypothetical, that tomorrow someone publishes a definitive proof that there is an afterlife, souls, paranormal and divine powers, God exists, the universe starting and life were really on purpose and the will of God, there's much more besides atoms and radiations and life is really all this and then you go on forever spiritually.
Would this change your life in any major way? Your morals? Your mood?

>> No.15958261 [View]
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lol no
but with your Thought Adjusters help you can make your character more desirable which will increase the chances of you attracting (and deserving) of a mate

>> No.15835961 [View]
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Scientists assemble facts, philosophers co-ordinate ideas, while prophets exalt ideals.

>Urantia Free Online
>Powerful Urantia Search Engine

>> No.15818080 [View]
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Exceptional books are more akin to brainorgasms though; you are incorrect to assume brainfart books are the only type of books.

>> No.15762901 [View]
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>high level of internal consistency
>advanced writing style
>highly imaginative
>cosmology outrivals in fantasy the cosmology of any science-fiction work
>well-written, impressive work
>accurate in its history
>directly from higher beings in position to know
>a work of fertile imagination
>by someone who knew the New Testament by heart and who was also steeped in knowledge of the times when Jesus lived

>> No.15717751 [View]
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>high level of internal consistency
>advanced writing style
>highly imaginative
>cosmology outrivals in fantasy the cosmology of any science-fiction work
>well-written, impressive work
>accurate in its history
>directly from higher beings in position to know
>a work of fertile imagination
>by someone who knew the New Testament by heart and who was also steeped in knowledge of the times when Jesus lived

>> No.15650060 [View]
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