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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11385996 [View]
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/Lit/ is now a perennialist Traditionalist board, Guenon is the patron saint of /lit/. Those of us who deeply study the various traditions like daoism, vedanta, sufism, neoplatonism and so on look on Christians as our brothers. When dogmatic Christians blindly insist only Christianity is true we smile in amusement, knowing that in time the more gifted of them will come to understand. The fight between dogmatic Christians and materialist atheists over the last few decades is just a sign of the degeneration of spirituality and intelligence in the modern world.

>> No.11346706 [View]
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>1. There are perspectives more ignorant of the truth, and there are perspectives less ignorant of the truth.
>2. Ignorance may exist in perspective, and truth may exist in perspective.
>3. Nothing exists that is not Brahman and all manifested perspectives are emanations of Brahman.
>4. Ignorant perspective and truthful perspective are both equally emanations of Brahman.

On one level this is all generally correct but there are very important distinctions to be made so as to avoid confusion. It should be noted that the very highest truth is Brahman itself and not a perspective. This is not a manifestation of Brahman in the form of a perspective. To directly know and understand the highest truth is to be Brahman, this is the only absolute truth and reality. Anything short of this even while considering the idea of it when reading Advaita texts is only still a conventional truth/perspective but in the highest understanding (where one directly perceives reality for what it is) then there is no distinction between knowing Brahman and being Brahman.

Understanding the nature of Maya might help you make sense of it. Atma (the self which is Brahman) is by nature pure unconditioned awareness. It is the maya emanating from Brahman which causes Atma to perceive itself as being a living being. Brahman directly observing and completely knowing itself is not bound by Maya, but anything short of this is the result of the influence of Maya and the Avidya that results from it. So, instead of truth and falsehood being equally manifestations of Brahman; it's more like Brahman by default knows itself and this is the absolute reality, but portions of manifested Brahman (relatively speaking) can get fooled by maya. Anything short of the highest truth is just ensnarement by Maya, wheras when Maya is overcome through knoweldge the Atma returns to its default state of knowing the truth of itself as the omnipresent eternal Brahman.

Anything short of the actual truth of reality is in a way a relative untruth by virtue of not being reality itself. So in no way should it be conceptualized as truth and falsehood both being equally valid manifestations of Brahman; but rather the only truth is that of the reality of Brahman and aside from this there are only various degrees by which this truth is obscured and cloaked in ignorance. Just as how when one mistakenly thinks they see a spider it in no way means that the spider exists in reality - by that very same principal when atma sometimes becomes fooled by appearances it in no way implies a separate and equally valid reality that contradicts the only reality of Brahman. It's a mistake to think that this principle no longer applies when discussing about Brahman. It should also be noted that by far the greater part of Brahman is contained within the unmanifest, which is unchanging, devoid of maya and which is more real than the manifest.

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