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>> No.24057078 [View]
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>Character has delusions of grandeur about a book he hasn't even started writing yet

>> No.23736361 [View]
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1663925169617820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 pages into the master and margarita. im still laughing my ass off at the scene when Ivan randomly bursts into the womans house and intrudes into her bathroom, and just yells "WHORE" at her for no reason then leaves

>> No.23248192 [View]
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>that image
>hitler just wanted to restore germany's border bro! just trust me

funny, In mein kampf hitler describes the restoration of german prewar borders an "inadequate half measure" and even "a crime", and talks quite extensively about how they need to conquer more and more land in continental europe in order to become a super power

>The demand for restoration of the frontiers of 1914 is a political absurdity of such proportions and consequences as to make it seem a crime
>By proclaiming the restoration of those borders as the political aim of their activity, they keep mending the crumbling league of our adversaries
>if it could actually be realized, the outcome would again be so pitiful that, by God, it would not be worth while to risk the blood of our people for this.
>For it should scarcely seem questionable to anyone that even the restoration of the frontiers of 1914 could be achieved only by blood.
>The boundaries of the year 1914 mean nothing at all for the German future. Neither did they provide a defense of the past, nor would they contain any strength for the future.Through them the German nation will neither achieve its inner integrity, nor will its sustenance be safeguarded by them, nor do these boundaries, viewed from the military standpoint, seem expedient or even satisfactory, nor finally can they improve the relation in which we at present find ourselves toward the other world powers, or, better expressed, the real world powers. The lag behind England will not be caught up, the magnitude of the Union will not be achieved; not even France would experience a material diminution of her world-political importance.

>As opposed to this, we National Socialists must hold unflinchingly to our aim in foreign policy, namely, to secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth
> we National Socialists must go further. The right to possess soil can become a duty if without extension of its soil a great nation seems doomed to destruction. And most especially when not some little nigger nation or other is involved, but the Germanic mother of life, which has given the present-day world its cultural picture. Germany will either be a world power or there will be no Germany. And for world power she needs that magnitude which will give her the position she needs in the present period, and life to her citizens.

>And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our prewar period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the prewar period and shift to the soil policy of the future.

yea trust me guys, he didn't want war bros! he just wanted to restore the prewar borders!!!!!

>> No.22128695 [View]
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>you think i'm gonna waste my time deconstructing an outdated buddhist study from the 60's? there's plenty of literature showing how the approach of Robinson is hermeneutically flawed
>Robinson's refutation of Nagarjuna's arguments are wrong, and I'm going to make 4 or 5 posts complaining about them, but uhh.. no I dont have any specific examples I can point to where he makes any mistake or gets anything wrong
hilarious cope

>> No.21262716 [View]
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>> No.20906279 [View]
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>> No.20852441 [View]
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>wall of cope midtwit thread
ouuh this straight bussin, im vibin

>> No.20850095 [View]
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1659815190239121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed so hard at this

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