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>> No.22922537 [View]
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>> No.20688894 [View]
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any more books like this? Weird science or reputable super natural

>> No.20440981 [View]
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>> No.20413108 [View]
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The Science Delusion and other studies (see pic)

>> No.20411306 [View]
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Here is the deal, your lack of bitachon and emunah in HaShem will bring you misery and destruction, while those that believe will get their reward. You can choose to cope and call it coincidence every time it happens or do the leap of faith yourself and benefit too.

There are countless stories, but if you need "scientific evidence" to have any belief, see pic (just ignore the gnostic garbage, Judaism is the truth)

>> No.17633466 [View]
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>> No.17169671 [View]
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>> No.16991129 [View]
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Part 2 electric boogaloo
Anon stopped posting it so I will
Here is some actual science,if the CIA saying remote viewing,and spiritual practices from different cultures are real wasn't already enough,here is even more
Once again,for the new fags that actually put the effort into reading rather than larping is demagogues on /lit/ and /pol/,don't overpost this comics,you are a fag,the occult is meant to be somewhat hidden,as the masons say,their practices are out in the open.
>he mentioned evola fascist scumm
Yes,he is very valid,a great philosopher
Evola had deals withing the nazi regime giving him acces to masonic documents,from masons.
As for his theories,no man was ever 100% correct about everything,he still holds great wisdom,and other less political occultists admited this.
Hermeticism and the jewish kabbala might sound weird for someone that,atleast on a general scale, ''doesn't like jews'' but these magical traditions have even made great advancements in science,Newton was very very interested in ancient alchemy for example,and there are demonic beings mentioned in the ars goetia specifically described as ''gives knowledge of geometry and liberal sciences''.

Most of the scientific comunity the atheists praise so much,is not atheistic,we can get examples like Stephen Hawkings and many others,your left-wing politicians aren't atheists either,Biden is a devout catholic isn't he,things like Bohemian grove were very real and not disproved to this day,these people might not literally worhship ''muh satan'' like conservacucks would say,but they did worship something the public had no idea about,and the people there weren't regular joes either.

Organized religion troughout history have been used to fulfill personal or political goals,hence why I would rather not consider myself christian,pegan,or support any new age bullshit.
This doesn't mean the gods themselves,or any mythical being is ''fake'',the wisdom of the stories of old is loaded into our subconscious,and affects our lives even if we don't know it.

Modern science and especially psychology is weak and very much invalid,as they declare anything that isn't liberal,friendly,and egalitarian as pseudoscience,and ''this contradicts the Laws of physics so it's fake,wdym it workes consistently?it can't,so fake).
Scientism might sound like a karen,flat earther term,but I don't think those people should be taken seriously.

Reincarnation is also very probably real,you action in this life will have consequences,certain more abstract afterlifes might be real too.

>> No.16976891 [View]
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Defending democracy in any way is retarded,pax

>> No.16968221 [View]
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Next part,daily reminder that unless you're a npc you have a soul,you might not feel consciously guilty for something,but that doesn't mean it won't affect your subconcious,this is one of the many reasons trannyes and the lgbt(haha they added a plus oink oink) is almost completely insane,maybe with the exception being people who have actually found true love.

Consumerism is a vicious cicle,your subconcious will be affected,your very soul can be blackened or purified,with significant effects,things like repenting work very well,do it,don't expect to meet the creator,or for the biblical God to be ''real'',as organized religion was created with materialistic intention.

Also,daily reminder that the majority of people atheists vote for are very religious too,you can't escape,they have goals higher than those who vote for them.
Some examples include Bohemian Grove,while I wouldn't race to accuse them of Satanism,those important people were surely not atheists.

>> No.16932053 [View]
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>> No.16258562 [View]
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>> No.15302747 [View]
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>> No.14956688 [View]
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>> No.14936177 [View]
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>> No.14925666 [View]
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>> No.14918940 [View]
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>> No.14236626 [View]
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>> No.13483395 [View]
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You just have an ultra reductive and naive worldview. That is, whatever you consume in terms of pop science and woefully illiterate atheist youtubers is the case.
It is evident in philosophical and even scientific understandings, that there can be such a thing as an immaterial soul. The idea that, because the brain can be studied in detail through neurological scans, thus the human mind is totally understood purely what is within our own observation, is itself an unprovable idea.
I don't care to summarize the texts for you, but in both Platonic and Aristotelian (and thus, Thomist) views, the idea of the soul is given in view of the greater metaphysical understandings. Take, for example, Plato's Theory of Forms and Aristotle's unmoved mover. This guy has a decent intro to the Thomist view, in light of the New Atheism:
These, and the Christian theological and even Eastern views on the soul, give a more profound insight to the following.

(Scientifically [or perhaps, better stated, empirically])
See pic related.
Otherwise, the CIA itself has done declassified studies into obscure and strange mechanisms of consciousness. Regardless of your opinion of the types of things they've researched, that very fact itself is that there's legitimate study into the immaterial and incomplete study of the human consciousness.

>> No.13391630 [View]
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i don't know shit desu. surely there's some good stuff on meditation and asceticism that you can pick up from it. i personally believe that *racial* reincarnation is a healthy belief system.

>> No.13380674 [View]
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>> No.13379140 [View]
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>> No.13093215 [View]
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>t's junk pseudoscience

>> No.12521362 [View]
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