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>> No.16426960 [View]
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holy shit op thanks. actually a good post for once

>> No.14984656 [View]
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What do brits thing of uni of manchest? based or cringe? I'm a midwit so i gotta take em where i can get em. also anyone here living there? i need some britbong friends

>> No.14942434 [View]
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>what desktop pic
the one with the guy with the evangelion background. i might be misremembering which urbanomic books he is consooming tho, in which case all that came out of it was some toddler diagrams.

>there is no point in trying to explain it
this is exactly one of the two kinds of replies anyone gets on any spinal catastrophism thread when they *naively* ask the harrowing question, *gulp*,
>what are the theses of this book
the first of which is a totally nonsense jared diamond-esq schizo rehash of a debunked theory OR "ur 2 dumb to understand bro, just read the book". You can't call me a midwit in good faith without giving me a non-cop-out response illucidating at least a few of his overarching points.

>> No.14794506 [View]
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fuck, sweet and godspeed

>> No.14662972 [View]
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im gonna be dragon my balls across your face

>> No.14610998 [View]
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>He gave 3 descriptions and that description is for only rap yet you think it's for every music.
Well you got quads so I literally have no choice but to accept what you say as truth

>I'm only assuming you listen to rap since you're going on how every music is the description above.
Excellent! Yes, that's because it is and any "moral high ground" you think your preferred music has is an extremely pretentious and cringy illusion. Checked.

>> No.14604799 [View]
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> but loan payments and taxes are still cheaper than rent here
yes in many cases you are paying a slight premium so that you don't have to deal with the inherent volatility of owning a property. if you're in a place with low property tax and you are perfectly happy staying in one place forever, go for it. but the "just buy a house" meme is just patent financial illiteracy; even if you payed more in all cases (which is not the case) you are still benefiting in a plethora of ways. this Meme *is* propaganda because the banks make a fucking killing on those loans. it's unbelievable how much money they make. the idea that owning a house "builds wealth" is completely brain-dead. i could afford a home right now. if you want to build wealth invest in stocks, build a 401k, max out ira contributions, don't sit on a fucking house unless you want to build a family and live there for the next 20 years.
>and being tied to a place seems easily mitigated by turning the property into a short-term rental (provided there's a market, but there is here)
this is a vary common comeback but it's totally nonsensical. taking out a huge loan to buy a house that you live in is not the same thing as investing in another property that you rent to someone that generates revenue. this is the same thing as going to buy a car and then thinking "woah, if i just go buy a taxi it makes me way more money!" like that's not the point we're discussing here, and there's other easier and less volatile ways to invest your money. with my vanguard acct i can go anywhere i want and hold on to it. i can do whatever the fuck i want, whenever i want.

>van life
yes. yes.
van life is kino but i don't think we're all mentally prepared for it.

>> No.11810199 [View]
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i'm kinda-sorta here.

there's an ellulfag?

with what?

working out a theory of capitalism today is like working out a theory of nature in the early middle ages. the temptation to systematize is there but it eludes objectivity. hence perhaps all the calls for anti-philosophy in recent years, the skepticism about philosophy itself.

in glory days of 60s/70s critical theory this is what critique offered. how do you know what you know? is common sense really so commonsensical? by 2018 things are different, and the lines between critique of ideology and the production of an ideology of criticism are blurred to indistinction. nike branding kaepernick is a recent example of this, but there are others and these things are no accident. critique of late capital cannot divide the world into good and evil, only shades of morality. totalitarianism is still totalitarianism whether it's of the left or right sides.

good essay here by a guy who's been looking into these things for a while and has some interesting stuff to say.

>Hence the need for a fundamentally anti-bourgeois revolutionary intellectual culture cold enough to seek all of the darkest truths, but still warm enough not to betray the calling of solidarity. I’m not saying the left should start worshipping cold analytical power; all I’m saying is that if we genuinely believe in the necessity of changing the world, a revolutionary culture would have to be at least minimally hospitable to a minimal number of people who have knowledge of how complex things work and how they break, and people with the traits and inclinations to maneuver among diverse others. Both types of people are effectively prohibited from those who currently define radical progressive politics.


if you want a much more provocative article read this one.

>the solution must be based on something new, that was not available in all previous implementations of communism. I admit I do some hand-waving of my own, in that I do think the digital revolution is a relevant game-changer for tying much of this together, without fully specifying how, although I have specified somewhat. In short, I believe this set of problems could be solved by an engineering blueprint that mimics the medieval arrangement known as nobless oblige, although the seeming absurdity and generally unfashionable nature of the idea helps to explain why uptake has not been widespread and immediate. Communists don’t want communism badly enough to submit to the reality-disciplining it would require.


politics is unavoidable. economics and morality go hand in glove. so what can we look at? well, we can look at tech.

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