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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21639099 [View]
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Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”

The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know,” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?

>> No.21527314 [View]
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>be me
>cast pearls before swine
>gets rended

Our Father who art in Heaven...

>> No.21507139 [View]
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Post books on thinking. Just thinking. Like the whole topic is just thought itself. Book like such as that?

>> No.21464459 [View]
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>there is no truth in the world

Don't listen to this anons. People disagree, yes, but this doesn't mean everyone is therefore wrong and there is no truth. There is the case where there is truth and some see and some don't, and those who don't see it keep arguing with those who do because whereas they only can see from their point of view, the ones who see have experienced both points of view. Accordingly, many different apparently opposed and contradictory beliefs asserted as truths may be (and really are) only the different stages of development of the conciousness and knowledge of one reality co-existing in time. As an example, think about infants, children, adolescents, adults, etc., all co-existing in the same place and time, yet each has it's own accumulated knowledge gained over time of their one shared reality. Lower stages simply cannot understand higher stages because of their lack of experience and lower stages will always view higher stages as false because they lack the prerequisite experience to see their truth. You can and will find the truth in time, or rather when you've at last seen through the veil of time.

>> No.21439538 [View]
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This is all I could ever want

>> No.21424802 [DELETED]  [View]
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>tfw you have a 145+ IQ
>tfw you understand the spirit behind the letter

>> No.21416469 [View]
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>Future scholars will refer to a singular 4chan as their greatest influence.

>The hacker known as 4chan

>> No.21389021 [View]
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When I was 4 I already began asking myself why there is something rather than nothing. Now I no longer care because I see possible solutions. I independently discovered open individualism through the intuition that I will be reincarnated but with no order, karma, or souls whatsoever. A few weeks ago I was bored so I decided to solve the problem of the edge of space, and after thinking for 7-10 minutes I realized that this universe has no edge and is finite at the same time, because it is a 3-torus, a slice of a 4D space. So the only “edge” is in an entirely imperceptible dimension. I view everything through the lens of evolution, the emergence of order and complexity from chaos. For this reason I don’t believe in God, since causality evolved, the universe evolved, life evolved, and religion evolved. Who can blame ancient humans for crediting the gods with lightning? Perhaps both life and religion started with a lightning bolt.

>> No.21380367 [View]
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Who /sinkpisser/ here?

>> No.21372145 [View]
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>he's never had a moment of direct insight into the fact that, despite every contingent act of consciousness he's ever experienced being governed by the regulative notion "Every object of experience has its cause, and that cause is merely the effect of some cause, and so on, in an infinite sequence of causes that can be plumbed to whatever depth is necessary or reasonable for whatever practical purpose we are presently engaged in," and despite not even being able to intuit what an "uncaused cause" might be except as an empty but logically valid name, he can still intellectually intuit the fact that there MUST be an Absolute that is causa sui, the ratio cognoscendi of which is also its ratio essendi
>he's never realized that despite all the modern world's attempts to lock him in the iron shell of disenchantment, he can still "see" the door beyond which God lies, any time he wants, in his own mind
>he's never tried to apply the empiricist's, the sceptic's and the materialist's doubt to this intuition once he has it, thinking "just because i can or do intuit the logical necessity of a causa sui beyond and behind all thinkable or experiencable contingent entities, doesn't mean it must exist lol. surely that's just a quirk or limitation of my mundanely evolved monkey consciousness, and the most enlightened way to look at the universe is as a meaningless material substrate that just happens to spit out thinking feeling monkeys"
>he's never realized one by one that all the empiricist, sceptic, and materialist counterarguments fail utterly against the sheer manifestness of the insight: "There must be a causa sui, because the only other option is an endless regress of causes and no 'base' to reality, which is the most retarded non-answer; and this causa sui must be somehow utterly different from all mundane, contingent things, even highly abstract but still contingent things like mathematical laws of nature or the fabrci of space-time or quantum foam"
>he's never turned back around and used his sharpened metaphysical sensitivity to try to re-assess and re-intuit the possibility of such a mundane substrate as the ultimate base of reality, something that could satisfy his felt need for a causa sui without being anything like what religion speaks of
>he's never realized that every proposed alternative is still mundane and contingent
>he's never realized that built into the causa sui intuition, which he can't un-see even when he wills himself to see "otherwise," is not just the empty logical notion of a causa sui, but the demand that it be utterly transcendent
>he's never realized how gray and lifeless all pseudo-explanations like "quantum foam" and "mathematico-physical constants" now seem to him, and how sad and limited all their proponents seem

>> No.10297447 [View]
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>"You have been my friend in the cosmos; you have been my only friend on this planet—the only soul to sense and seek for me within the repellent form which lies on this couch. We shall meet again—perhaps in the shining mists of Orion’s Sword, perhaps on a bleak plateau in prehistoric Asia. Perhaps in unremembered dreams tonight; perhaps in some other form an aeon hence, when the solar system shall have been swept away.”

I wish I had a cosmic brother of light.

>> No.9048320 [View]
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>tfw you realize god is not the abusive father in heaven you feared as a kid that made you go edgy atheist and he's actually everything and always with you and his infinite light fills your heart with love for your fellow sentient beings and the cosmos and you're not even on weed or psychedelics

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