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>> No.15310407 [View]
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Boggles my mind how one man debunked everything sacred known to man absolutely BTFOing the East and West.
>Buddhist cucks BTFO
>Zen cucks BTFO
>Nondualists BTFO
>Utlitarians BTFO
>Stoics BTFO
>Hindus BTFO
>All of Western and Eastern philosophy rendered useless
>Enlightenment debunked
>Gurus and teachers destroyed for good
It really is something else

>> No.15286421 [View]
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You can never understand the tremendous peace that is always there within you, that is your natural state. Your trying to create a peaceful state of mind is in fact creating disturbance within you. You can only talk of peace, create a state of mind and say to yourself that you are very peaceful—but that is not peace; that is violence.

>> No.15232562 [View]
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>does what few men have done
Nothing personal

>> No.15232242 [View]
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Whatever pursuit you are indulging in, somewhere along the line it has to dawn on you that it is not leading you anywhere. As long as you want something, you will do that. That want has to be very, very clear. What do you want? All the time I ask you the question, "What do you want?" You say, "I want to be at peace with myself." That is an impossible goal for you because everything you are doing to be at peace with yourself is what is destroying the peace that is already there. You have set in motion the movement of thought which is destroying the peace that is there, you see. It is very difficult to understand that all that you are doing is the impediment, is the one thing that is disturbing the harmony, the peace that is already there.

>> No.15231407 [View]
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None of your favorite philosophers reached the natural state. Pic related did though.

>> No.15189529 [View]
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Give up

>> No.15181870 [View]
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"U.G. points out that the roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the Judeo-Christian belief that the human species is superior to other species because it alone was created for a grand purpose, and that, therefore, it had the privilege of dominating and using the rest of nature. Hinduism and Buddhism also share a variant of this belief, the idea that birth as a human being is the most precious and highest form of birth. It is believed that in order to attain enlightenment or moksha even the gods have to be reborn as human beings. U.G. completely rejects this belief in the special status and superiority of the human species. He observes that the human species is not created for any grander purpose than the mosquito or the garden slug is. Our erroneous belief in our own superiority has been used to justify our extermination of other species, and has led to the environmental problem. What is in question is not just the kind of technology and the economic system we have, but the structure of belief and values which drive the technology and the economic system."

>> No.15176781 [View]
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>> No.15137980 [View]
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No, because it's genetic and you punish your body incessantly

>> No.15111700 [View]
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There is no reality

>> No.15108486 [View]
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>> No.15102091 [View]
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Question: I was told by people who are around you that when this "calamity" befell you, you couldn't recognise even ordinary things. You were asking like a new-born child, "What is this?" Even if there was a flower in front of you, you did not know if that was a flower. Then you would ask, "What is this?" And the Swiss lady who was keeping house for you, who was looking after you, Valentine, said "This is a flower." Then you would ask again, "What is this?" You mean to say that at the time when the calamity took place, all recognition was gone?

U.G.: Not only then, but even now, as I said, this is a state of "not knowing". Since the memory is there in the background, it begins to operate when there is a demand for it. That demand is created by an outside agency, because there is no entity here. There is no centre here. There is no self here. There is no Atman here. There is no soul here at all. You may not agree. You may not accept it, but that unfortunately happens to be a fact. The totality of thoughts and feelings is not there. But in you there is an illusion that there is a totality of your feelings and thoughts. This human organism is responding to the challenges from outside. You are functioning in the sphere – so, thousands and thousands, perhaps millions and millions of sensations are bombarding this body. Since there is no centre here, since there is no mind here, since there is nothing here, what is it that is happening? What is happening here is that this human organism is responding to the challenges, or to the stimuli, if I may put it that way. So, there is nobody here who is translating these sensations in terms of past experiences. But there is a living contact with the things around. That is all that is there. One sensation after another is hitting this organism. And at the same time there is no co-ordinator here. This state of "not knowing" is not in relationship to your Brahman, or your Nirguna Brahman or Saguna Brahman or any such thing. This state of "not knowing" is in its relationship to the things that are there around you. You may be looking at a flower. You may think that it is a crazy state. Perhaps it is – I don't know. You do not know what you are looking at. But when there is a demand for that – and that demand always comes from outside, asking what is that, and then the knowledge, the information that is there, locked up in this organism comes and says that it is a rose, that this is a microphone, that's a man, that's a woman, and so on and so forth. This is not because there is a drive from inside, but the outside challenge brings out this answer. So, I say that this action is always taking place outside of this organism, not inside.

>> No.15093751 [View]
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This as well OP

"Thought in its birth, in its origin, in its content, in its expression, and in its action is very fascist. When I use the word ‘fascist’ I use it not in the political sense but to mean that thought controls and shapes our thinking and our actions. It has helped us to create our technology. It has made our life very comfortable. It has also made it possible for us to discover new laws of nature. But thought is a very protective mechanism and is interested in its own survival.” Just like a Hitler believes in an ideology and makes it non-negotiable, thought believes in a value system and makes it non-negotiable. Whatever I value, be it a religion, be it a scientific principle or a business principle, once I make it non-negotiable, fascist nature is born. UG says, “You see, the value system is false.”

>> No.15077175 [View]
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The answers that you get really are not the answers, because the questions persist in spite of the answers you think the other chap is giving you. The question is still there. This answer, which you think is the answer (satisfactory or otherwise), is really not the answer. If it were, the question should go once and for all. All questions are variations of the same question. You already have the answer, and all these questions are the questions that are not interested in getting any answers. The answer, if there is any to that question, should destroy the answer you already have. There is no questioner there. If the answer goes, along with the question, the questioner -- the non-existent questioner -- also has to go. I don't know if I make myself clear.

Do you have any question which you can call your own? If you can come out with a question which you can call your own, a question that has never, never been asked before, then there is a meaning in talking things over. Then you don't have to sit and ask anybody those questions, because such questions don't exist at all. A question which you can call your own, has never been asked before. All the answers are there for those questions. You probably do not realize that the questions which you are asking are born out of the answers you already have, and that they are not your answers at all. The answers have been put in there.

So, why are you asking these questions, why are you not satisfied with the answers that are already there? That is my question. Why? If you are satisfied, yes, it's alright, you see. [Then you would say:] "I don't want any answers." Still, the question is there inside of you. Whether you go and ask somebody or expect an answer from some wise man, it is still there. Why is it there?

>> No.15068362 [View]
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>refutes and destroys you all
Nothing personal, kid

>> No.15040191 [View]
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Unfortunately for her, past his 49th year he never had sex again

>> No.15028930 [View]
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>Un brainwashes dozens of his followers
Nothing personal kid

>> No.15028852 [View]
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Post calamity

>> No.15023734 [View]
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The mind is a myth

>> No.14794921 [View]
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U.G. emphasized the impossibility and non-necessity of any human change, radical or mundane. These assertions, he stated, cannot be considered as a “teaching”, that is, something intended to be used to bring about a change. He insisted that the body and its actions are already perfect, and he considered attempts to change or mold the body as violations of the peace and the harmony that is already there. The psyche or self or mind, an entity which he denied as having any being, is composed of nothing but the “demand” to bring about change in the world, in itself, or in both. Furthermore, human self-consciousness is not a thing, but a movement, one characterized by “perpetual malcontent” and a “fascist insistence” on its own importance and survival.

U.G. denied the existence of an individual mind. However, he accepted the concept of a world mind, which according to him contained the accumulation of the totality of man’s knowledge and experience. He also used ‘thought sphere'(atmosphere of thoughts) synonymously with the term ‘world mind’. He stated that human beings inhabit this thought realm or thought sphere and that the human brain acts like an antenna, picking and choosing thoughts according to its needs. U.G. held all human experience to be the result of this process of thought. The self-consciousness or ‘I’ in human beings is born out the need to give oneself continuity through the constant utilization of thought.

When this continuity is broken, even for a split second, its hold on the body is broken and the body falls into its natural rhythm. Thought also falls into its natural place – then it can no longer interfere or influence the working of the human body. In the absence of any continuity the arising thoughts combust.He stated that we inhabit a thought realm. When the continuity of thought is broken, even for a split second, its hold on the body is broken and the body falls into its natural rhythm. Thought also falls into its natural place – then it can no longer interfere or influence the working of the human body. In the absence of any continuity the arising thoughts combust.

In its natural state, the senses of the body take on independent existences (uncoordinated by any ‘inner self’) and the ductless glands (that correspond to the locations of the Hindu chakras) become reactivated. UG described how it is the pineal gland (Ajna Chakra) that takes over the functioning of the body in the natural state, as opposed to thought.

>> No.14735135 [View]
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The religious teachers fooled themselves and fooled mankind. They forced mankind to conform to their banal ugly modality instead of letting the individual blossom. They have ruined everything.

>> No.14734520 [View]
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Read and watch these if you are serious about exploring the man, he's challenging and will guaranteed frustrate you.

Some okay background infomation



Mystique of enlightenment


Mind is a myth









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