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>> No.11345257 [View]
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>A revolution is something that occurs as a consequence of someone with societal understanding and strong conviction about it.
Not Op, but this is not true. Revolutions are reactions to and a reestablishment of legitimacy. A revolution happens due to many variables which are outside the control of individuals. The ideology that gets put into action in revolutions has nothing to do with rationality and everything to do with animals existing in an environment.
That the entire American revolution has been made into such an individualist fantasy that you still get people who actually believe in Making revolutions rather than co-opting the occurrence so as to turn their creative energies and determined desires towards the spectacle and make bank.

>> No.11335697 [View]
File: 794 KB, 1032x1400, Stylin_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real names.
As each child born now will show us in ten years, real names are as useless as prisons are at rehabilitation of murders. Your sentences of being are held by your FB friend group, your ass-eating twits, or the information companies and the government keeps on you to make you compliant and predictable. That anyone believes you can call anything human that is completely knowable and static is a sign of the beginnings of a new forgetfulness and an end to an old pilgrimage.

>> No.11137556 [View]
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>This frightens the anti-burger.
The popularity of DeLillo and the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union are two things to keep in mind. I believe he Uqbar'd the whole place with a Borgesian encyclopedic rearranging of the Polish translations for some idiom about copulating in mirror as abominable, meaning being coherent is solidarity at the readers level, thus a relation to ideograms being customisble fortunes that requires a basic percentage nonetheless, a good dollar for the rebel is a good dollar for the entrepreneur or the corporation or the politician, and the world brain is speaking back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2idsKGatneA at the end of the venture, a totem, a gift of a cloak for rushing through the burning forest, a black smog haze that is warm and unctuous from this safe distance. Distance keys reach, why bother, and then no, and not the body of an artist, or the world rolling, a collection of the collectors, here, speak, the basis of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHCGiv3wzY0 with this https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/the-history-of-american-graffiti-from-subway-car-to-gallery and then http://extremecraft.typepad.com/extreme_craft/2007/06/damien_hearse.html

>> No.11101370 [View]
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I stand a resolute CND.

>> No.11054775 [View]
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That's not entirely true though is it? It's not bound to, but is apart of the psych or whatever of the person becoming whatever he wills as he strives against life, or something along those lines. Doesn't he also contradict himself a lot? And not for the pleasure of dissonance, but because of new thoughts or new mistakes?

>> No.11013084 [View]
File: 794 KB, 1032x1400, Stylin_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, woah, woah. You can't just go from gays having class to the right wing having class and expect to exclude people on the left. Communists have been some of the best dressed and most well manicured in the history of civilisation. Stalin, Lenin: both very classy. Mao, with the hat and jacket combo, just pure class. Communists have style too!

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