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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3793685 [View]
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>not living the literary life

I feel sorry for you, OP.

>> No.3661436 [View]
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I hate to advocate welfare, leisure, the literary life or flaneurism to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

>> No.3651631 [View]
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I'm not sure about the part my reading has played in turning me into what I am, but I suspect it's a great deal.

>> No.3648467 [View]
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This man knows.

>> No.3619859 [View]
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Wake up, shower, cook and eat a few times a day, manage household, buy groceries, read, write, enjoy coffee and tea and occasional booze, spend time with amiable people, listen to beautiful music, watch good films and tv shows, meditate, sleep. sit in the sun, smoke, engage in conversation with people, appreciate urban and natural surroundings, get my flaneur on in general.

I plan to keep on doing some variation of this. What else is there to do?

>> No.3615241 [View]
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I embrace a smug pessimism and practice do-nothing. I don't try to fill or avoid the void, I'm setting up camp there. Trying to claw and crawl your way out of the void will always have you tumbling back in with the impact of the drop making it worse than you were off before. The trick is to accept the void, it's the only way to get some of that autarkeia/apatheia/ataraxia/upekkha.

>> No.3593000 [View]
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>don't work
>take walks
>sit on benches and in cafés
>quietly observe people
>read books in ivory tower
>write a bit
>eat nice meals
>sleep good sleeps
>drink nice drinks
>smoke fine tobacco

Anyone else practising the literary lifestyle?

>> No.3543809 [View]
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I think women (inb4 exceptions, I know there are) are more horizontally focussed than men. They're very practical and generally care less about abstractions. This can be frustrating when you're deep into 2deep4u territory and want to drag others into it, but it can also be sort of enlightening in an almost zenny way when you're caught up into all kinds of circular thinking and nonsense and you get gently coaxed back into concrete normalcy. Women are very grounding I think. That's probably why a lot of the great philosophers were bachelors and that's probably also why crawling up against your girl can serve as an actual cure against existential torment. Women drag men out of themselves and into the world.

>> No.3481765 [View]
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>07:00 rise and shower and groom
>07:30 breakfast and coffee and online stuff
>09:00 walk and maybe grocery shopping
>11:00 return home and household chores and maybe write
>13:00 lunch
>14:00 read
>15:00 jolly idleness and/or social life
>18:00 cook and eat
>19:00 pleasant idleness and/or social life
>00:00 sleep

I have a hard time sticking to it though.

>> No.3257761 [View]
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When I was a child I read for enjoyment, when I was an adolescent I read because I experienced life (or at least a great part of it) as problematic and wanted to find some kind of wisdom or solution to deal with that. Now in my twenties I still have that habit but don't really believe in finding such a thing anymore, and now I'm returning to reading for the sake of reading and the love of literature rather than trying to "get" something out if it, changing my focus back from reading almost entirely non-fiction back to including fiction. Even though I still get moments where I think "this philosophy is the best perspective on life and I will dedicate myself to it's practice and theory for the rest of my life," only to become disillusioned not much later.

>> No.3124646 [View]
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Dedicated flâneur reporting in.

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