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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20525522 [View]
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I'm just going to take the chance here in this little thread to go on and randomly mention that the united states government puts sodium fluoride in its drinking water for no reason whatsoever.


>> No.20450300 [View]
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I am currently at a zoom meeting organised by a
>doctor of philosophy
who worships americans and says they're the first democracy in the history of our world.
I shit you not. What books does he read?

>> No.19349583 [View]
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The reason I am fixated on literature, philosophy and theology is to find a way to reach a girl I'm in love with.
She is an anime girl.

>> No.19338793 [View]
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>rejected by publishers over and over
>one of them said it's a well-written story and it's great, but I mentioned suicide 3 times in the first 1500 words, maybe I can change the theme a little bit

>> No.19181005 [View]
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Midwit reddit-tier post.
We didn't "manage" billions of years, we literally didn't exist. I still remember the day when i was a kid and realised not existing is different from infinite blackness or whatever. You cannot struggle or manage, you simply do not exist. We can't fucking comprehend it, because all we only know existence.

>> No.19143122 [View]
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My beta reader literally asked me that:
>Why do you write like a white man from the XIX century?
How do I even reply to something like that?

>> No.19111105 [View]
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>you will never be as cool and smart as Faria and Dantes
why even live countbros

>> No.18927874 [View]
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>go get a vaccine
>do it in 20 minutes
>feel great, no sickness, no side effects, no pain
>don't have to worry about getting some bullshit coronavirus probably made in a chink laboratory that can take your smell away for months
I don't get it. It was literally that easy for me. Can't they just do that? No stress, no testing, just get it over with.

>> No.18927772 [View]
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Just realized I know the Vietnamese only from BTFOing Americans in war.

>> No.18917390 [View]
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>36 year old basedboys have a gf while I'm a KHV

>> No.18846169 [View]
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I have OCD too, it's genuinely a cursed existence. I've had a decade of ineffective therapy and going between medicines that have basically fried my brain's ability to feel any emotion except anxiety, twice in a regular mental hospital (not that they are able to help with OCD any) and twice in long term residential treatment programs, all to get back to more or less square one. Probably going to try magnetic stimulation or just zapping my brain if my insurance will cover it, which it likely won't. I honestly don't know about any literature that accurately depicts OCD, but the film Matchstick Men with Nicholas Cage did a really good job of showing what it feels like even though they did a gay cop out at the end where it wasn't actually OCD.

>> No.18717016 [View]
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I want to practice Daoism so bad, but it never left Asia the way Buddhism did, so I will never have the chance.

>> No.18709655 [View]
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See you tomorrow.

>> No.18654992 [View]
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Quite liked this, along with Bronze Age Mindset (which yeah, like other posters said, it rips off pretty hard). Some interesting LARP ideas that are fun to think about. BAM is far superior, inasmuch as it actually put me onto some historical figures and ideas I had no idea about (maybe a poor reflection on me). Got a kick out of the idea of a completely falsified history. Similar energy to both books, and probably a good thing to read for alot of dudes. Both fall into the category of things you could only really recommend to people really close to you (who are male).

>> No.18653345 [View]
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I’d like to travel to China to study Taoism, but I have no idea how to. You can’t just learn how to practice a religion by reading books. If they, you’re just LARPing.

>> No.18143141 [View]
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I think I would've slept better not knowing that there's 25 million books on google's servers with no one being able to read them

>> No.18115293 [View]
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imagine being his father

>> No.18115288 [View]
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I don't know how to finish my story

>> No.18101383 [View]
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>> No.18084757 [View]
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>The only catch is, this version is only up to Sodom and Gomorrah, so it'll be a couple more years before it's finished.
I've run into a similar problem with the fullest and most annotated Russian translation, which is still being done with only first 3 parts being available.
The worst thing is that all other editions are discontinued in my third-world shithole, and I'll have to scour for used books with older translations (or switch to English, but the problem being that older translations are not as updated still remains).

>> No.18079317 [View]
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>mfw realizing that I'm the "older man" at 26

>> No.17782214 [View]
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>be me
>lying in bed on Saturday night
>either read or browse internet on phone before sleeping before midnight
>wake up just after 8 am
>browse internet on phone; read latest moldbug
>play vidya for a few hours
>defeat a boss; still feels so unfulfilling
>eat normal food (no junk food left at home); browse internet; write a little bit of my long term diary desu
>go and drive outside
>go for a 2 hour long walk while listening to Cum Town and then a normie podcast that I regretted listening to
>decided to have coffee, buy binge food for one last binge, jog, binge
>decided instead to have a McDonald's meal (first time I've had fast food for a while)
>bought Costa coffee after
>then bought 2 days worth of binge food from a supermarket (likely won't eat any more today)
>about to go home; unsure if I'll go jogging tonight; don't feel bloated somehow

I've just realised that the different Ben and Jerry's flavours disproves the psychology finding about choice fatigue. Under certain conditions, lots of choice causes people to try everything, repeatedly, all the time.

I'm hoping that I'll finally start working hard on stuff tomorrow. I have no confidence in anything I do in my spare time as productive. At the first sign of difficulty I get so demoralised and think of all the Chads and Staceys getting everything handed to them and all the institutions that people usually benefit from when doing things. I think about how much easier things would be if I had a genius IQ. Mind numbing internet then wins the day.

There a vidya sequel to one I completed last year that I'll buy it within a few months. Feels strange to know that something is expected to give me warm fulfillment.

This weekend has felt very pointless. Maybe in a few months when the weather has improved my walks can be longer and feel meaningful. I hope I can lose 13 kg before summer starts.

The Sunday blues aren't present because work has been so mundane. Having savings lately feels good but I'm still a wagie.

>> No.17623252 [View]
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It's stupid niggers like you who give anyone who plays vidya a bad reputation

>> No.17402460 [View]
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>anon stop writing like you're an old man from 200 years ago
>can't you start writing more like George Martin or Stephen King?
post your face when

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