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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10701780 [View]
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>not being in McSchool eating your asian friend with a fox

>> No.10689251 [View]
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>Pynchon and Martin huddle for warmth

>> No.10663590 [View]
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Joke's on you, I haven't even written my favorite book lol

>> No.10662520 [View]
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In absurdist Ireland, bicycle rides you!

>> No.10657576 [View]
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T.S. Eliot - the work stuck with me the most.
Frost - Birches man, effin Birches
Pound - writes haikus

>> No.10652909 [View]
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it's another Sam Hyde drops truth bombs in an uncomfortable setting and we all are proud of him for being petulant when people don't want to listen to his propaganda

>> No.10632277 [View]
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yeah man totally agree, it was like a thrill ride, just as soon as I felt in the groove with a story or a theme it was trying to convey BAM he fucking switches the track making it not quite a different ride but all the same unsettling until it all merges into one mindfuck which is a pleb term I know but is apt here because my gosh the fetish of modern is this happening just kind of clangs home like a hammer on sheet metal at this point, yeah
I reread books all the time. a fool is someone who reads a book once and pretends to understand it. for instance I have read TCOL49 4 times and described and recommended it to everyone I know who had the slightest inclination towards literature

>> No.10629213 [View]
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well I mean vampires have always been popular since Polidori wrote about it in 1819. Sexuality was since then kind of woven into the mythos and eventually Anne Rice popularized that for women. But I can't recall anyone who wrote it from a teenage perspective. SO basically she nailed a niche demographic of girls who wanted sexy vampire lit but didnt know it yet. It became popular enough that it became ubiquitous (shilling them in odd places like supermarkets) and therefore women that normally dont read were suddenly ostracized so they the had to to keep up appearances and there ya go

>> No.10625041 [View]
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gimmicky crapola fest, the equivalent of The Blair Witch Project

>> No.10614764 [View]
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1. Pynchon - I think he's funny. M&D one of my favorite books
2. Gaddis - American Gothic is the bomb
3. Wallace - Great short stories and essays ok everything else
4. Delillo - Can be a real snoozer and he does it on purpose
(Gass + Barth not familiar enough to judge)

Blueberries - Good enough for Sal good enough for me
Grapes - good as food, great as booze
Bananas + peanut butter on toast 'nuff said
Pineapple - recently jumped super high on this list
Oranges - especially clementines
Apples - Sweet or tart all that versatility
----POWER GAP-----
all water flavored solids
----POWER GAP----
Peaches - canned or frozen only
Raspberries - got it wrong in a spelling bee and was eliminated
----SHIT TIER----

>> No.10592824 [View]
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>Nabokov but no Lolita
>Tolstoy's literal WHO book
>Steinbeck BTFO
>Kokoro not I Am A Cat
>No Mishima
>No Bukowski
>No Maugham, but somehow Stoner is top 20?
you contrarian shites make me wanna puuuuuke

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