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>> No.4895215 [View]
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Fuck the one sentence rule.

>Narrator's mother passes away.
>He founds her grandmother stuff in his mother's old house.
>Grabs a picture of a girl.
>Starts remembering the story his grandma used to tell him about the father of this girl
>Guy was a mexican living in a matriarcal house; his mother could foresee the future and made a living out of it. Satanist (Santeria) cult and stuff. (Narrator's grandma was part of this)
>Guy left his house to study math on college
>Dropped out to marry a nice catholic girl
>He was raised a tool so his wife boss her around just like his mother used to
>Commentary about bad (mexican, satanist) matriarcal households and good ones (catholic, american).
>(Narrator is mexican too and was raised oppresed by a matriarcal house hold too, like all of us mexicans)
>The plot starts climaxing when guy's daugther dies misteriously around cats (simbolism of cats appear since the beginning: cats used for rituals, the girl herself is described as feline)
>Turns out the girl was ritual murdered by the narrator's grandma.
>She only used to tell this story to the narrator because she felt guilty knowing death was coming and no one else would lister to her because od the atrocities she comitted

The short story is in spanish tho, but here's the first paragraph:

"El nombre de la niña en la fotografía no lo recuerdo. El de su padre sí, de él me acuerdo bien, se llamaba Adán y enseñaba matemáticas en la facultad de ingeniería. Estas personas debían ser conocidas de mi abuela o familiares lejanos o tal vez sus vecinos. Pero creo que sí eran, de algún modo, familiares, ya que ahora recuerdo a mi abuela discutiendo con la más joven de mis tías, diciéndole que seguir viendo al tal Adán sería caer en pecado. El asunto es que mi abuela los conocía muy bien, y a veces, cuando quería asustarme, me relataba su historia."

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