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>> No.23294710 [View]
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>> No.22578894 [View]
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sites with a great deal of theology and a chart

>> No.22494077 [View]
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only wherever they end up referring to the truth.
that is to say, whenever they write about correct things.
because truth is Christianity, we're basically saying the same thing.

adding my recommended order and tips
Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, OT, Revelation.
Use Biblehub to compare translations, look for commentary, and all around help you with complicated verses/passages.
always search and look at several sources when solving a doubt (and never leave doubts unanswered!), so you don't fall into any trap. use your critical thinking.

as for books, as the other anon said, start getting through the Bible first. i'd get the Gospels down before delving into anything outside of it.
i say one can learn infinitely much by reading and studying his Bible. I learn something new every time i go over a passage i've already read many other times.

i think books on the lives of saints would be very nice to kindle your faith more afterwards, since you're interested.
i've recently found a very nice channel, and it looks good.

also here's a chart for later.

>> No.22444449 [View]
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Apologia Pro Vita Sua.

also everything from Benedict XVI (Ratzinger), both the encyclicals as pope and the works as bishop.

also look into Kallistos Ware, especially "The Orthodox Church" and "The Orthodox Way".

also also this chart.

>> No.22428529 [View]
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get her Tosltoy's Father Sergius, Dostoevsky's Dream of a Ridiculous Man, and take a pick here:

>> No.22369429 [View]
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the worst part is they do not actually look for God. they just want the "aesthetic" of it.
it's a quite unpleasant journey to get rid of pride (which is often what fuels their larp). There's no love, only hate for what they see as wrong, and the larp as a weapon against it.
it's a shame.

>Orthodox canon
It's basically one of the best suggestions i had, since i'm not american.

oh, and about some of the theology, if you're interested in looking further i'll drop two great charts.

>> No.22366799 [View]
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unsure if a single book can go through it all.
it comes from knowledge of the entire Bible.

the starters in this chart will give you a nice overview

>> No.22140456 [View]
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>> No.22072712 [View]
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also a chart for good measure

>> No.22060429 [View]
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grab actual theology and apologetics.
your idea of Christianity is full of holes and is most likely a very bad strawman.

start with the Bible;
my personal recommendation of an order would be Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, Revelation, OT.
search for everything that seems weird, that you didn't understand, that you found complicated. more than one source to be sure.

as for resources,
Biblehub is great for ohther translations, originals, and commentary.
gotquestions is decent if you ignore the calvinist slant.
Bible Project has pretty great videos.
the 'one for israel' channel is one of the best for a channer; especially the "answering rabbinical objections" series, which is basically debunking gotchas and strawmen that, ironically, both rabbinic judaism rabbis and fedoras say verbatim. they're jewish Christians and there's also testimonies, discussions, etc.

here's a great chart. you'd do well in looking into the doctors of the church and the orthodox after you have basic theology down.

>> No.22045777 [View]
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avoid anything of this sort.

here's a kino chart OP

>> No.22021273 [View]
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here's the only good chart you'll see on /lit/

>> No.21675017 [View]
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Do you have any orange slices?!

>> No.21542448 [View]
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>> No.21393588 [View]
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>> No.21362458 [View]
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>> No.20899793 [View]
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>> No.20858654 [View]
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start with the search for God. that's the most important. i say you should look for some apologetics; i quite like C.S. Lewis, his apologetic works are great.
here's a nice chart on some others, along with more theology.

for my own little story, i grew up in a Christian family, and still was a bit "on the wall", veering, as i think you are, towards belief.
then i had an experience, and started to actually study Scripture. it all just starts to click in place. i know it might sound weird or something, but the joy of actually understanding it is immense.
and then after you did, you can even try to test yourself with questions regarding it. starting off i didn't know much, and questioning and such still made me slip a bit. now i've learned more, can answer those, and am completely adamant and certain about my belief.

for a bit of a rude way of saying it, you won't find that proof if you don't look for it.

>> No.20760667 [View]
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to help unbiasing yourself, look into prophecy.
here's a fun one: check the meaning of the names in the Genesis 5 genealogy.

for a strong one, check Daniel 9.
predicts the arrival of the Messiah 500 years before it happens. you may ask "but they could have also just written that to fit!" and here's the kicker: it also predicts the fall of the Temple afterwards (which Christ also prophesized) and Israel's domination.
they could not have written up actually historical events.

>> No.20723953 [View]
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here's a nice chart of good ones.
Lewis' stuff is great, for one.

>> No.20253553 [View]
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Seven Storey Mountain by Merton is pretty good, one of my favorite Catholic memoirs.

CS Lewis is Anglican, but he's pretty much unmatched in apologetics imo. Mere Christianity, The Problem Of Pain, and The Abolition of Man are all goated.

However, if you haven't read The Imitation Of Christ, do so. It's a classic for a reason.

>> No.20246268 [View]
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>> No.20209439 [View]
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>> No.20078650 [View]
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