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>> No.24047226 [View]
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Far from the most damning problem

>> No.24041818 [View]
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>> No.24015010 [View]
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>> No.24011191 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.24009665 [View]
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>> No.23980025 [View]
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>The Bible is true

The Bible says Earth existed before the sun & all other stars. Also, that birds predate land animals. That can't be true, because planets form from elements produced by stellar fusion, and birds evolved from land animals.

>> No.23955282 [View]
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>> No.23953556 [View]
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Cult leader wants your cultish devotion. Stop the presses!

>> No.23944042 [View]
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>> No.23941715 [View]
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>> No.23941086 [View]
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>> No.23941008 [View]
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>> No.23940697 [View]
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>> No.23940611 [View]
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>> No.23911211 [View]
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True, it's actually a containment zone for the gullible and those unable to think critically.

>> No.23903662 [View]
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I bet you think virtues didn't exist before Jesus

>> No.23899307 [View]
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People are dumb

>> No.23888409 [View]
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>Be anti-government
>Tell followers to render everything to the government that is asked
>Tells followers to double cuck themselves and give more when asked
>Tells followers not to think about tomorrow and just be like the birds, beasts, or flowers in the field
>Is executed and cries at the last moment that he has been forsaken by God
>Followers have to desperately make up a story about him coming back to life
It's all just kind of sad

>> No.23876178 [View]
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Here are some verses to start with:

>> No.23872177 [View]
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>Intelligence is the bane of Christianity
It's pretty self explanatory.

>> No.23853408 [View]
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Why is there such a delusional drive to try and rehabilitate ideas which are clearly false? All religious depictions of God are laughably superstitious and belong under the category of anthropology, not as theories regarding truth in and of themselves. Oh, the Divine Creator of the Universe happens to favor your tribe and commands you to conquer your neighbors? How convenient! Oh no! Your neighbors have iron chariots, that's just too much for the chosen tribe of the Divine Creator of the Universe to overcome! Again, there is no other word than laughable for people who actually buy that. Human societies make up deities in order to build social cohesion and make themselves feel special. The deities don't exist and are arbitrary. There is no value in trying to integrate these zombie cult beliefs in the modern day, no matter how much human Freudian psychology would like the idea of a Heavenly Father who both loves and punishes them.

>> No.23847573 [View]
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>1st-hand witnesses have infinite priority over followers of traditions merely handed to them.
The Bible stories were written down decades after Jesus's death and much of it was written by third parties that were not present. Also, reading about Jesus's "resurrection" could be interpreted as his spirit being amongst them, not a bodily resurrection, also, if you are committed to a literal interpretation, it is somewhat undermined by the fact that the Bible says that ALL the graves in the area opened up and their occupants moved around to greet people. Throw in Lazarus and resurrection seemed a pretty common occurrence around that time! In reality, authors later on took elements of Dionysus and Osiris and grafted them onto Jesus to make him more mythological. No outside sources can confirm any of the miracles of Jesus.

>> No.23842468 [View]
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>> No.23837560 [View]
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