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>> No.18980947 [View]
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>doesn't this imply that one monad's evil is another one's light?
it does. I assume there are perverts that would be stimulated from harassing and feeding ('communitarianizing') other monads and call it 'light'. well.. isn't that the law for those blind and greedy, who are ontological cowards? those in lack, serving the monad of necessity, and perpetuating its 'logos'.
>I completely agree with you on the oppressiveness of the One as an all-encompassing principle.
that is good to hear. speaking on the Laruelle's Christ (against all odds) I do believe that even such little moments of good-hearted communications are part of the Work. doesn't matter how humble it is, communications in the good spirit is part of the gnostic practice of posting. also, close to Sloterdijk's 'resonance communities' that are not about feeding those discourse's gatekeepers but being-together for the sake of becoming: becoming-more and disclosing.
>Meaning by that, we choose our own monad? There is no externally imposed standard for divinity, much less transcendence?
wouldn't dare to answer it with full confidence, the mystery cannot be fully understood. my intuition that here are number of ontological variants of divinity (as in astrological signs or the tribes of Is-Real, or letters of the alphabet. or the Runes), and beyond that there might be 'non-certified' variants approaching towards the incomprehensibility of chaos.
more on the matter: there is a co-influence between monad-here and monad-there (Ideal). [[[also, the very primordial sin is that: a disconnection between an immanent here and a transcendental interface there]]] practically speaking, when we do disharmony we disharmonize our meta-structure. that leads to (evangelion's) dis-synchronization, one becoming a less self-centered monad, losing his Glory, his sight, his way. becoming prey to the other side (any type of heteronomy).
interesting concept from Zoroastrianism: in afterlife one meets his Daena -- Soul? personal divinity? -- on the occasion of failure, Daena would personify corruption one did in a past life; who originally is a young princess of beauty and wisdom: Lady Alchemy.
>You mean an infinitude of "monads"?
in the infinitude there is only one the-One-Monad that is of your being. but at the beginning one doesn't know which one, i.e. what signatures and vibrations are of that one. at the beginning, in the mode of forgetting, there is no ability of recognition and differentiation. however! the light, in that instance, is manifested as faith in possibility of knowing your monad: a blind man stumbling in the dark. path illuminated by an inner light.

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