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>> No.12712351 [View]
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>If a king was truly wise, just, and righteous, would not he be a better ruler than a democratically elected representative who was evil? Any system of power can be abused, and all governments have their authority.
Yes, and yes.
>A businessman must provide a service that is valued by the consumer to be rewarded under capitalism.
The consumer's value often has terrible consequences. In the case of Bezos, he treats his lower-level employees worse than cattle, and there are countless stories of Amazon warehouse workers having to piss in bottles at work or passing out from exhaustion in the middle of their shift. Walmart operates similarly, earning billions of dollars in profit while their employees need food stamps to eat. McDonald's released pic related as part of a "financial advice" pamphlet, telling their employees the only way they could reasonably survive off of their wages was to get a second job and not pay for heat or groceries. Nestle pumps water out of poor arid regions to sell to rich consumers on the other side of the world.
This all produces great value for the consumer, but at a societal price that isn't worth it. This isn't even entering into the fact that capitalism doesn't reward all worthy innovation and does reward plenty of absolutely retarded shit.
>Private enterprises do not create war, the state creates war.
Hahaha holy shit, you actually still believe that? I was pretty young at the time but even I figured out what a pig Dick Cheney was later.
In a country where capital has become so unbelievably powerful that it controls the government, its interests absolutely can and do determine whether or not we go to war. It's been going on since at least Guatemala in the 50s.

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