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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13279075 [View]
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Dying before he has to finish his story, because as a liberal atheist childkiller, he cannot actually conclude it in a satisfactory way without betraying his own ideology.

The absolute state of GRRM is that, looked at objectively, the series actually came to the only conclusion that his stupid nihilistic series actually could without being nakedly trite bullshit--and it was STILL trite bullshit, just not naked.

Think about it. How does this retard actually end the book, what can he possibly do that doesn't either:
-Point to bloodline aristocracy being moral
-Point to a certain class of people being qualified to rule
-Point to status-quo ideas of sex and rulership being correct

He can't. He can't do a big final battle between good and evil because he is on record as saying that good and evil don't exist. He can't have a chosen savior swoop in and save everything because he is a dispicable atheist dogfucker and what would Jesus's tax policy be? He can't give any of the characters happy endings because literally every single one of them solves their problems through violence and he is supposedly a pacifist.

The only option is to just not finish the story, or to finish it in the way the show finished it. With some crippled wizard on the throne. I called this years ago. Martin cannot finish the story, because he is IDEOLOGICALLY unequipped to do so. As a weak, stupid, cowardly lazy left-wing sack of cum-eating degenerate faggot enabling shit, he has boxed himself in to a set of no-win options. By trying to subvert fantasy tropes he accidentally subverted basic story structure.

It isn't about plotlines or character bloat or any of that shit, even that hack Brandon Sanderson can overcome that. It's that the only way to end a story satisfyingly is to end it Right Wing as fuck, because the Right is the only side of political and philosophic thought that believes in happy endings.

Enjoy whatever slop this kike pours into your trough you fucking pigs. You deserve it.

>> No.11624498 [View]
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Jewish literature first, faggot.

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