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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15987282 [View]
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''Your face remind me of greek deities.''
highschool girls

Recite my poems for my french lit class.
Girls: ''Aaaaaaww''
The prettiest of them: ''I think im in love''

>tfw i was super shy turbo virgin nonetheless

>> No.11940174 [View]
File: 87 KB, 432x554, Kierketaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best translations of Kierkegaard into English? I have Walter Lowrie's Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death. Is this version adequate for a beginning? Should I toss the book directly into the trash? What editions are better? I look forward to receiving your advice.

>> No.11537563 [View]
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What is the best reading order for his work? How should one approach his books?
What is /lit/ general opinion on him?

>> No.11173011 [View]
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For fuck's sake, was just reading Kierkegaard and the faggot drops some fucking redpills on women and love. Really made me feel better about having missed out on "love" and romantic commitment.

"A woman’s love is only pretense and weakness."

"Never become involved in marriage. Married people pledge love for each other throughout eternity. Well, now, that is easy enough but does not mean very much... "

"Marriage is still more dangerous, for the
woman is and will be the man’s ruination as soon as he contracts a continuing
relationship with her."

Thanks, Kierkegaard. At least now I can live without having to worry and freak out over love. God, I wish I never had fallen in love to begin with!

>> No.10712372 [View]
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I liked Kierkegaards shilling for Don Giovanni in Either-Or

>> No.10199417 [View]
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Dude, I also bought the Bhagavad Gita and SoSR from a random dude walking around. Now I feel scammed. I actually gave a $10 donation. Now I feel stupid.

>> No.10199392 [View]
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Can I read Kierkgaard if I am a brainlet? I have 0 experience reading philosophy books, but I have taken 1 intro to philosophy course so it's not like I'm completely in the dark.

I want to turn to Christian Existentialism as a way to help myself out of depression and become more motivated. I've already watched all of Peterson's lectures so I want to read Kierkgaard as a way to bolster this.

Then later perhaps I will branch off to other forms of existentialism.

>> No.9185169 [View]
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>> No.8996936 [View]
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>Will I regret it in the future? Sure.
Atta boy.

>> No.8985993 [View]
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I'd do it.
Also, use the "free time" to live healthy. You'll end up better than most.

>> No.8462948 [View]
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>not realising everything is a game of fideism, all human understanding is fallible, absolute reality is unreachable and solipsism is an eternal possibility while Hume's problem of induction and Godel's uncertainty theorem limits science to an approximation of telluric habit
Social Darwinism is an interesting topic. Not that the rich deserve to be rich, butin how places in society evolve over time. Look at China and Russia: they killed off their intelligentsia and their culture has become arguably more backwards as a result. Intelligence is significantly swayed by genetics, and the intelligent generally accumulate more wealth.

On the Bible, to take it literally would silly, but not much sillier than the determinists who believe science has every definite answer under the sun. There's real richness in the stories of our faith too, like in Ecclesiastes or Job or the poetry of Sufis and the writings of the Upanishadic yogis.

Also, democracy is a terrible system among slightly worse ones. It breeds short-term populism at the expense of seemingly preventing tyranny. The world's longest running democracy, the UK, is basically an "elected dictatorship" of parties with small majorities that dominate the chamber and act more or less as parental figures for their mandate and voters. Not that that's a bad thing at all, most overly pluralised governments become lame ducks incapable of moving in any direction.

I think all people should be given equal opportunity, but elites are healthy for society to progress, as long as they remain balanced.

The stupidest thing of course, is the manner of your questioning, where you treat any disagreement as insanity. You'll never mature or learn in that way - there's wisdom in every response.

Thank you thinking /lit/ is smart. It's not really, but I still like it here because occasionally some asshat really is.

>> No.8317766 [View]
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I write like I'm stuck in a 19th C absurdist novel, but not the talented kind. I'm prosey, but not good enough to get away with it. I get carried away, disrespect plot and characters, become philosophical at the switch of a hat, and never finish my projects because they burn out after a few pages. I'm young, young enough not to damn myself totally, but old enough to know better by know.

How do I write better /lit/? Writing every day only seems to cement bad habits. What are the best books on writing? Who are the most modern authors with the cleanest prose? I feel like I need to declutter my mind, there are things I want to say, but I'm tripping up on the worser ways to speak them. Should I just become a Hemmingway-lite? Saying half and trying to mean double?

What books changed the way you thought about authorship?

>> No.8187870 [View]
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If you can't find pleasure (hedonistic route), then without such conviction you'll feel anxiety

>> No.8186364 [View]
File: 87 KB, 432x554, KILLMEGAARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right on everything.
Prove me wrong /lit/.
Pro tip: Idk if you can or can't desu.

>> No.8141972 [View]
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>> No.8049915 [View]
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I was gonna say that he says it through the Character, but I doubt DFW expected many of his readers to know those philosophers (pretty objectively, a small fraction of them will) and thus I can see no point in him not saying what he thinks personally of them here.

>> No.7968945 [View]
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Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to teleologically suspend the ethical, /lit/?

>> No.7910848 [View]
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Is there a chart for the essential works on Kierkegaard?

>> No.7906809 [View]
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>I have been a skeptic for a long time, and it's still hard to suspend disbelief. What changed your mind?
If at one point you come to the conclusion that it's made up (for reasons, e.g. controling people, making people feel good, etc.),
how would it ever be possible to go back to that believe system, if in particular you know you just want back to it because you don't feel as good without.
Figuring out the moral core, okay, but working against yourself by a brainwash - what kind of goal is that anyway?

>> No.7883100 [View]
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>why Orientals are fundamentally dead on the inside in subtle ways

>> No.7881954 [View]
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Where should I start with Kierkegaard?

>> No.7507839 [View]
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Invented Existentialism. Cool guy in my book.

>> No.7407589 [View]
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Does exist a treatise on >greentext?

Or will lurkeg suffice?

>> No.7348683 [View]
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I'm fond of The Sickness Unto Death. It's as good a start as any. Some years ago it lifted me out of a dark place.

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