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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20791407 [View]
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>Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fail of its aim. It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and originates in needs and necessities inseparable from life itself, as serving no purpose at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional; but misfortune in general is the rule.
>I know of no greater absurdity than that propounded by most systems of philosophy in declaring evil to be negative in its character. Evil is just what is positive; it makes its own existence felt. Leibnitz is particularly concerned to defend this absurdity; and he seeks to strengthen his position by using a palpable and paltry sophism. It is the good which is negative; in other words, happiness and satisfaction always imply some desire fulfilled, some state of pain brought to an end.
>This explains the fact that we generally find pleasure to be not nearly so pleasant as we expected, and pain very much more painful.
>The pleasure in this world, it has been said, outweighs the pain; or, at any rate, there is an even balance between the two. If the reader wishes to see shortly whether this statement is true, let him compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of which is engaged in eating the other.


>> No.20775529 [View]
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I'm about 90% sure that the people who really hate peterson are those that have not the strength of will or character to separate themselves from their own fathers, and seek his approval pathologically.

I think peterson is seen as a threat to their relationship with their own fathers, and thus is deserving in their minds of the harshest polemics and insults. Effeminate male psyches hate him with a passion for that reason, I suspect.

>> No.20771017 [View]
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You'll understand when you first enter into a romantic relationship with a woman.

So, Jung took advantage of an insanely rich jew who wouldn't leave him alone until he declared her sane?

Boy, how awful.

>> No.20767461 [View]
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Do none of your retards have wives? Women are foe the recreation of the warrior. They shouldn't be reading philosophy. Just like none of you should be giving advice on emotional matters.

>> No.20760979 [View]
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I mean, if you read his work he'll spend about a thousand pages telling you.

>> No.20757799 [View]
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>> No.19087000 [View]
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>At bottom he was not really convinced by what Hans said; he quite knew the other attached less importance to this walk than he did himself. Yet he saw Hans was sorry for his remissness and willing to be put in a position to ask pardon, a pardon that Tonio was far indeed from withholding.

>The truth was, Tonio loved Hans Hansen, and had already suffered much on his account. He who loves the more is the inferior and must suffer; in this hard and simple fact his fourteenyear-old soul had already been instructed by life; and he was so organized that he received such experiences consciously, wrote them down as it were inwardly, and even, in a certain way, took pleasure in them, though without ever letting them mould his conduct, indeed, or drawing any practical advantage from them. Being what he was, he found this knowledge far more important and far more interesting than the sort they made him learn in schools; yes, during his lesson hours in the vaulted Gothic classrooms he was mainly occupied in feeling his way about among these intuitions of his and penetrating them. The process gave him the same kind of satisfaction as that he felt when he moved about in his room with his violin-for he played the violin-and made the tones, brought out as softly as ever he knew how, mingle with the plashing of the fountain that leaped and danced down there in the garden beneath the branches of the old walnut tree.

From Thomas Mann's "Tonio Kröger"

>> No.17966505 [View]
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>> No.17779584 [View]
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>> No.17742605 [View]
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>> No.17312595 [View]
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What are literacy rates in your country like and how do you feel about it?

Apparently here in Canada almost half of all adults struggle with literacy. pretty sad desu, though I imagine a fairly huge portion of them are probably migrants coming from countries with low literacy rates


>> No.13783877 [View]
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but schopie will get you close

>> No.13656755 [View]
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I'm not sure free will implies the existence of soul (not sure it doesn't either...). Like I said, I define free will something like

>Person P has free will with respect to P's action A iff P was able, right up until the time he did A, to have done non-A instead

All this commits me to is the existence of persons and their actions, which looks innocuous enough. I'd run into trouble as soon as you asked me to define 'person' though! I'd have to say person is a conceptual primitive: you either know what it is, or you don't. And if the best way of denying free will is to deny the existence of persons, maybe there's something to free will after all.

>My problem with that is that I dont know where that chosen action would come from.
I think you hit the nail on the head right there. All that quantum randomness stuff makes me think some events are undetermined, so not every event needs to be explained by appealing to a chain of prior causes. But then either my decision to do A has a cause or it doesn't. If it doesn't, then A was in no sense 'up to' me and I don't have free will with respect to it. But if A does have a cause, then how am I responsible for it? The best I can think of is to go down the route of 'agent-causation' and say the cause of my decision to do A is... me. Events might have causes, but not every cause is an event: some are persons, or agents, or whatever. But again what is a 'person'? Maybe we could just say it's a network of neurons or something like that, and allow that some of this network's decisions can't be explained on the basis of prior states or outside forces. But this sounds like bullshit.

Anyway, it's long past bongland bedtime. Good night!

>> No.13628102 [View]
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Brainlet here. Can anyone give me a QRD of what continental philosophy is all about?

>> No.13419907 [View]
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But utilitarianism is always at risk of treating people as a means, though the end might be the happiness of a different, larger group of people.

>> No.12787179 [View]
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>Electrical Engineering (communications/digital signal processing primarily)
>I like electrical for the most part but I wish I could have done either a pure mathematics major or philosophy.
are you me?
I'm in the same boat
I've already learned to cope with this feel, the truth is /lit/ friends are incredibly hard to find pretty much anywhere, I'm also pretty antisocial so that doesn't help
I have accepted the fact that I will be alone with my feels forever

>> No.12728124 [View]
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>drinking alone again, anon?
I'm suffering with you brother
when do we get to die?

>> No.12040942 [View]
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I'm 34 years old. What's needed is not just 'one' thing, but a number of things. It's important to introspect and search for purpose, so that you can decide on the best way to spend your lifetime, but it won't come straight away. Some of it you'll find in books, some within, and some in other people, both those smarter than you and less.

Balance is important. It sounds like you're taking everything a little too seriously. Relaxing and being stupid and being able to laugh at yourself are also important. Friends are also important. I tried living without them and it just doesn't work; I need them as a reality anchor and they keep me a safe distance from the abyss. As long as you can be honest with and understand each other it's all that's needed.

>> No.11695683 [View]
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'hauer memes are some of my favorite memes

>> No.11665365 [View]
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He just wants some pringles

>> No.11464443 [View]
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>> No.11155998 [View]
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I didn't say it in the OP, but i thought it was obvious I would be rereading it

thank you

>> No.10960850 [View]
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Unironically this, if only because he fleshes out what he's thinking and backs it up.

>> No.10150980 [View]
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