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>> No.12027584 [View]
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I'm in a mild-yet-enjoyable state of shock - we're in a very similar boat it seems.
I was able to pick up a physical copy of Fosforos (my most expensive book by a fair margin...) but I was also able to find a PDF of the work in English - it is out there.

I also picked up Unseen Fire I and II, as well as Argarizim at around the same time. They're all currently on my shelf waiting for me to finish Fosforos, which itself is waiting for me to finish Lucifer: Princeps and The Devil's Supper. I wanted a better understanding of the historical context of the Lucifer stories before going into Fosforos to hopefully help me interpret it a bit better. This might not be strictly necessary but I had very little understanding of the subject matter before doing some introductory background work.

I also read that Nefastos thread on SoA's board concerning vegetarianism. Indeed, it was quite intriguing. I'm continually surprised by the content on their site. Unfortunately it's a bit slow. I suppose that's the trade off.

>What's interesting here, is that the SoA are not Left Hand Path whatsoever.

Indeed - I didn't understand that until I read Nefastos' description of Argarizim in relation to another unpublished piece of work of his. If I'm remembering correctly, he made the case that the Left Hand Path was respective of Truth and that the Right Hand Path was respective of Ethics, and that a synthesis of the two was... Here's I'm unsure - where the essence of the divine resides? I confess ignorance here, as I haven't read the books, just the author's forum posts. However, he seemed to make the case that the merger of the two paths is the goal of the practitioner, in any case, which definitely separates it from the tradition conception of Left Hand Path philosophy.

>The book Fosforos has been probably the most inspiring philosophical text that i've read coming from any modern occult group.

I've heard this sentiment from a surprising number of people.

I suppose since I've still got the ear of a kindred spirit, would you recommend reading the Catechism of Lucifer before Fosforos? Is there anything that you read prior to Fosforos that really helped in your understanding/interpretation of the work?

>> No.2910984 [View]
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