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>> No.20089025 [View]
File: 152 KB, 603x426, Leahey's Psychoanalysis p267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's discuss this in english so others can learn and participate in the discussion.
First off, I never doubted that Freud's definition of sexuality is broader than it is used today but there is no doubt about it that in his mind, pathology arose from unresolved incestuous thoughts.
Here a snippet from a letter between him and Fließ from october 3rd, 1897:
"(zw 2 u 2 1/2 J) meine Libido
gegen matrem erwacht ist und zwar
aus Anlaß der Reise mit ihr von
Leipzig nach Wien, auf welcher ein gemein-
sames Übernachten u Gelegenheit sie
nudam zu sehen"
( https://www.freud-edition.net/briefe/freud-sigmund/fliess-wilhelm/1897/10/03 )
His Libido *TOWARDS* matrem (mother) awakened when he was 2 1/2 years old and saw his mother naked.
Here a snippet from a letter between him and Fließ from october 15th 1897:
"Ich habe die Verliebtheit in die Mutter und die Eifersucht gegen den Vater auch bei mir gefunden und halte sie jetzt für ein allgemeines Ereigniss früher Kindheit[...]"
( https://www.freud-edition.net/briefe/freud-sigmund/fliess-wilhelm/1897/10/15 )
So "Being *in love* with my mother and jealous of my father, and I now consider it a universal event in early childhood.
So, while it is true that Freud's use of the term sexuality is broarder, it is unmistakable that he had explicit incestuous thoughts and believed these to be universal. Further evidence of the explicity of incestuous thoughts is, again, that he blamed Emma Eckstein's problems from a surgery on her not resolving sexual lust for her father.
You will continue to find evidence for that when you look at what other former patients (especially female ones) had to say about him. The whole invokation of the Oedipus myth only makes sense with explicit incestuous thoughts. He fell in love with his his mother, grew envious of his father and killed him to take his mother as his wife (with whom Oedipus had 4 children afterwards). There Freud draws a parallel of him falling in love with (and awakening libido towards) his mother and being evious of his own father.
If you are still not convinced, could you provide evidence that he refers to sexuality in a broader sense in these examples or as a root for pathology?

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