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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17289110 [View]
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any point before the 20th century. this behavior is novel to consumption societies.
>Thus, 'marketing, purchasing, sales, the acquisition of differentiated commodities and objects/signs - all of these presently constitute our language, a code with which our entire society communicates and speaks of and to itself.' The consumer, therefore, cannot avoid the obligation to consume, because it is consumption that is the primary mode of social integration and the primary ethic and activity within the consumer society. The consumer ethic and 'fun morality' thus involve active labor, incessant curiosity and search for novelty, and conformity to the latest fads, products and demands to consume...
>In the consumer society, consumption thus replaces production as the central mode of social behavior from which standpoint the society can be interpreted and critically analyzed. Baudrillard thus conceives consumption as a mode of being, a way of gaining identity, meaning and prestige in the contemporary society.

>> No.11871583 [View]
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>amazing work btw, thanks for you being here.
my pleasure ofc. thanks for visiting! hope you had fun. it's really been fun for me also. i'll probably stop when we hit the bump limit or around 300 posts, maybe come back again later with more theory-adventure-shitposting.

at first i didn't use a handle, and then during one of these longer threads i met one anon who so sounded so much like me that i had to get a handle just so that other anons could tell the two of us apart! i could hardly believe it, but it was kind of amazing. and then i kept the girardfag name for a bit, but i started noticing people posting as me or pretending to be me, so i stopped and just took a break from /lit/ for a while and to do some other things also. i understand that a hash/trip prevents this, but often it seems anons recognize me even when i'm just in regular anonymous-mode. sometimes i still see posts that look and sound like me, but...what can you do? identity crises are just part of 21C life anyways.

i think my posting here is erratic and idiosyncratic enough that if you see a really long thread dedicated to cosmotech and full of mystical schizorambling references to land, girard, han, mcluhan et al you can safely assume it's me and i'm up to my usual tricks. and if it's not me but there are still threads about these things anyways then clearly my purpose here will have been fulfilled, so in a sense it won't matter anyways.

apropos of nothing/completely unrelated: ikaruga is really a beautiful game. i've been playing it now and again and it's just such
a beautiful thing. if i want to start a huge conversation about it there's another board for that, but anyways.

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