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>> No.22537531 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the busts of their own household ancestors? yeah sure they just copied them from the greeks.

daily reminder that etruscans had all the "greek" gods before greece even existed.

>> No.22430827 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. White skin = aristocratic, free from the slavery of physical labor
Ah this was the Greeks problem; they 'hated' physical labor so they had slaves, they had a dwarfed unmasculine mentality to start with, as:
1) seeking slaves to do your work for you is womanish in its disposition,
leading to
2) stagnancy non-innovation unfamiliarity with the land and the work
3) cretinous attempts to maintain and artificial status quo in a naturally changing world (like building your cities on the shore line and becoming distressed when the water levels rise over time)
4) all fantasy and avoidance of reality follows from this

read Cassius or Cato or Martial or Agricola or Vergil or Quintilian or... whoever else

The observations of Cassius and (that founder of the greeks, whose name i forget) about the northern barbarians read as true today verbatim as they did 2,000 and 2,400 yrs ago (even as the ethnic stock of the britons was supposedly different):

The Britons are led into battle by women who ride up and down screaming at them, brow-beating them, calling them cowards, like a mother shaming a little boy, and this is the method by which they raise their infantilized troops.

They gorge on meat and alcohol, entering battle either drunken or not at all.

Their war efforts are chiefly concerned with plunder (robbing, raiding, raping), as consequence they elect the brashest and boldest men as their leaders to instill them with courage to rob and rape rather than organize them under effective strategy.

The (tribes north of the danube) are soft from avoiding work, they ride around in carriages and cover themselves in fabrics to avoid the elements; they are like strangers in their own lands and unused to hardship.

Defeating the (germans in the swiss alps) was considered to have been something anybody could have done, rather than being awarded a triumph the victorious consul was berated for having cleared the land of a useful buffer state, as more militarily competent people (such as the French) would surely occupy their lands now and present more of a bother.


>the Aryan idea
the point i think is that the aryan notion - or equation of 'european' with the german rabble or the greeks, is hogwash.

pictured. greatest roman commander ever, kill count many many barbarian nations.

>> No.22222752 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>22222383 (You)
>>see: >>22222204
>>As far as I can tell weren't the English the ones who though the ancient Greeks were actually Nordics who settled down and were over run by less pure people over time?
>Okay, and where is this coming from?
I am genuinely baffled that you aren't aware of aryan jesus.

>Germanic, Aryan specimens of the master race
fun fact: Drusus Julius Caesar Germanicus, during the reign of Tiberius came very close to making the northern germans extinct during his genocidal retribution campaign to avenge the loss of a battle standard. It is a shame, I often think, that he did not... given what the germanics would do the moment the Romans backs were turned, several centuries later.

>> No.21960779 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chrysippus was one of my lazier attempts,this one is much better. And you're objectively correct; the paintings that survive in Pompeii don't resemble the gaudy high gloss paint that the statues are usually depicted as.

>> No.21525782 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Josephus records the agonizing miseries of his own people with psychopathic indifference, and Eusebius uses him as a reference for the same horrifying events (regarding the events leading up to and after the second fall of the Jewish temple)
That's ataraxis in a large part, you're not supposed to be driven by pathos to feel sorry for ignorant barbarians when the consequences of their actions catch up with them over and over again and they still feign innocence. A mind reactive to every little bit of turmoil all over the place is a basketcase and easily manipulated through their emotions by any baseline criminal, as such manipulation is mastered by us when we're babies and it takes no thought at all.

was a dog who deserved his cruel death for his many acts of villainy.

I often think if only he'd genocided a couple more villages we might ever have known what an anglo-saxon or a german-frank was. If I ever get the opportunity to go back in time I would urge his immediate burning of all of them, this act would put everything right.

>which Tacitus relates in his Annals with approval. Holy fucking
holy fucking based.

roma invicta.

>> No.20877850 [View]
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really true at all; Agesilaus of the Greeks noted the pale womanish bodies of the northern barbarians if that's what you're referring to.

> the norfern barbarians were taller
I agree that using urban levies from Southern Italian and Greek stock was a mistake.

img. lanky white man with church of england face who beat the germans very hard and killed lots of them.

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