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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12057253 [View]
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also, it's possible that this might be the last iteration of the Cosmotech megathread general for a bit. not only because

a) basically everything required to make an acceleration general has now become pasta, but also
b) it's best to quit while one is ahead and not push things too far.

while Uncle Nick is releasing fragments of BTC and Philosophy, that is about the most exciting thing happening anywhere on earth, as far as i am concerned. i don't know how long that book is going to be. he's already blown my mind completely, and we're not even into the actual chapters of the book itself yet! wtf. as much fun as it has been to run a parallel commentary on what is there, the Cosmotech/Acceleration general is now a month+ old, and has completed the System of German Idealism (again) an incredible #13 consecutive times, barring the Strange Fate of Cosmotech #3.

now i would like to go out on a high note, and complete the System once more with feeling, because these threads are the most fun i have ever had on a melanesian tap-dancing forum, and there is no feel quite like completing a System of German Idealism (again) with you guys. but let it be known that there is no OCD-compulsion to do so either. /lit/ is a public board, and these threads are not my blog. i had to withdraw for 24 hours in the previous thread to make that clear, and it was a good idea. it is possible to have too much of a good thing. absence does make even the heart removed from one's chest grow fonder.
>oh the Outsideness jokes, they are so strange

so for now, provisionally, let's say that this can be our last acceleration thread, unless there is some overwhelming desire to continue. nor does it have to mean a permanent halt to the Wild Ride & all attendant Fun, but maybe a shift to a kind of a weekly or bi-weekly model would be better. Burnout is for real, and nothing is so tedious as an idea which has run its course. on the side i have something like 70K words of purest schizo-ramble about these threads, which i may post at some point, or not, or even just stick in a pastebin. i haven't really figured that out yet. in the meantime i will continue to rant & such as is my usual wont, and hopefully Neo-China will continue to arrive from the future at ufblog, and blow all our minds, as the Wild Ride does.

>all that is solid melts into air
>all that is air condenses into pasta

in the meantime there shall be ninjas, anime gifs, Space Taoism, the occasional greentexting of books, and other Cosmotech things. hopefully this is a good one.

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