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>> No.16865543 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1080x1065, Night Night Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me if this sounds rough, I have a lot of pent up frustration about this. Hopefully something useful to you comes through between the lines of this emotional ranting.
Every american patient is absolutely certain that they fall outside of the norm of patients, the ambient cultural narcissism is one of the worst parts about practicing in this cunt.
Anon if you're interested in the actual practice of medicine, divorce yourself from the TV doctor idea you have in mind. Look up the concept of a "differential diagnosis."
When you present with a set of symptoms, your doctor's job is to first make sure you don't have any of the most dangerous causes of those symptoms, for which missing the diagnosis is disastrous, and second to begin to work through the other possible causes from most common to least common.
Think about it like risk/reward- some disease X is low prevalence, but kills people within a week of development of symptoms. The risk of having that disease is low, but the reward of ruling it out (and thus avoiding death) is high. So they do it. Next, thing about disease Z, which has a normal natural history of several years before it causes serious complications, and is highly prevalent in the population at hand. A diagnostic test to rule in this illness is very likely to pay off with answers. We can consider rare alternatives once we've moved through the first stage of disastrous and common.
you're so used to being on the consoomer side of a set of customer service interactions that you have no idea what it means to engage with an institution. And the system has not helped to disavow you of this notion, I'm not saying it's entirely your fault. But this whole "let me consider all the rare causes of your disease on visit one because you are clearly a unique and special person to whom nothing normal or common would happen" attitude is called "concierge medicine," it's a customer service interaction you probably can't afford, and anyway you wouldn't want it because the whole goal of concierge medicine is to extract money from egotripping richfags who can be indulged in this narcissistic fantasy. Or you could go see a naturopath, who does a chinese knockoff version of the same thing and can't help you if you have a real problem. Like, would have to call a real doctor if you collapsed in their office.
I bet you had a lot of trouble with teachers not noticing and catering to your specialness, too. If this sounds about right, please fix yourself.

>> No.16493539 [View]
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The authoritarian personality is about radical liberalism alongside right wing dogma and fascism.
The frankfurt school, if they were still around today, would restrain themselves from prescribing any particular course forward but would likely observe that the very same inherent German-ness lead to both Germany's present status as leader of the neoliberal EU and trailblazer of 21st century liberal good taste in regards to racial and gender politics as lead to the Nazi blight.
Same people doing the same shit in different settings, basically.
Ironically, it's the modern context which allowed the German takeover of Europe, it's basically Hitler's dream out there in the EU if you take away his racialist rationalizations.
I don't know why I bothered with this comment since I know all of youse actually read theory and prefer to digest ideas in the forms of tweets and wikipedia articles.

>> No.16425844 [View]
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Doing anything for the sake of representation is dumb, because it's an America-In-2020-Specific set of criteria which wouldn't have made sense ten years ago and won't make sense ten years from now. Our definitions of white are expanding while each minority is more strictly defined, now they've even excluded asians and non-mestizo south americans from their little loser's club, calling themselves "bipocs," and started kicking down the asian folks with affirmative actions. Guarantee you the south american immigrant kids who inherit their parents work ethic and have enough opportunities are going to find that AA fails to work in their favor when it counts as well.
So, it's a specific group of self-described black and native racialists, of whom most are >50% white, benefitting from the one-drop myth which exists only in America (outside of america a lot of these "blacks" would be "tan people").
So, what, we're going to debate the ethics of this practice? It's not ethical or un-ethical, the same way choosing taco bell over mcdonalds is not an ethical decision. It's a marketing thing, a weird emergent property of the upper middle class's fetish for institutional validation and their idiosyncratic ideas of power and it's uses. Fuck it.
I want to see someone delve into this in a way that makes me laugh, or blows my mind, or makes me cringe. Use representation to point out the banality of it.
Or, if you dislike it so much, stop fucking attracting people's eyes to the shit. Villeneuve is not some kind of god-director, the guy misses as commonly as he hits. It's not like this movie is required viewing for all americans, we already have some dank DUNE movies you can watch instead if you wanna see the stupid fucking book adaptation so fucking bad.
What's the end game, you're trying to, what, drum up some outrage marketing for this shit? Bait some people into hating it loudly so the reddit crew will feel obligated to see it in some kind of black panther-esque political statement cum ticket purchase?
Is it to stir effortposts and psuedish long 4channel replies like this very one, all for the sake of (you)s?
You want the government to ban this shit? More corporate/government oversight to the end of media manipulation, like the other team is doing? How's that working out for them do you think?
How about you just stop buying the junk? Plenty of quality movies I'm sure you haven't seen.
I would say the real trick, the real bullshit you should zero in on, is the film industry has somehow convinced you that their casting decisions matter at all.

>> No.15578262 [View]
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Is there a single active literature board on any other chan? I've pretty much replaced all my browsing with 8, wiz, and bunker, but this is the only place to talk about books

>> No.15287424 [View]
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Honestly dude, don't. The whole aim of this book and her grifty seminars is to provoke you, there's gonna be a bunch of really irritating shit. I ignore this stuff, I don't think about it or include it in my life and if I'm ever in a position of power I will not apologize for or explain anything to this type of people.
If we all agree to ignore them, only taking notice to occasionally laugh without comment at them, they have no power. It's the only realistic option we have to deal with them.
This type of outrage thread feeds the trolls, I shouldn't even be responding but I'm permitting myself a few weeks of evangelizing my point of view before I go full radio silence.

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