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>> No.12578842 [View]
File: 688 KB, 720x726, Dollarnote_siegel_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservative revolution if you prefer
>conservative revolution

>> No.10310009 [View]
File: 692 KB, 720x726, Dollarnote_siegel_hq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working from first principals. Pleasure itself is the only thing that we'd hate if it were gone. Beyond that, there's the question of what to find pleasurable.

>existential angst doesnt work like that mate
Yes it does. Existential angst comes from a lack of fulfillment. If someone were living a fulfilled life then they wouldn't feel it. I agree, the fratboy life will take almost anyone out of existential angst temporarily. The idea is to find something more long term. The business mogul thing definitely seems to work for a lot of people to be honest; constantly working on new and interesting problems can make for a relatively fulfilling life. Of course everyone is different - though not by much - and again I believe you can learn to find pleasure in whatever anything.

>and all ways of life prevent you from living in other way
Business, I think is a tangible microcosm to test this in. The prevailing mindset these days is that you can start anywhere and end up anywhere. Lateral raises are kind of the best way to get a raise these days. The main goal being to 'do good work'.

Anyway, I do believe any definite equation has a definite solution. We're learning that there is no one size fits all diet for example, and that different diets are best suited for a given genotype and phenotype.
I agree that trying to min max is pointless in the beginning given our lack of information and can lead to analysis paralysis. Min maxing is best done deeper into a state of growth.

I see it like an inverted all seeing eye, where a general direction is all that's important in the beginning until you begin to build a more tangible foundation.

We can use the microcosm of working out as an example. It's not that important that you perfect the best workout routine and diet in the beginning - it's more important that you start exercising and eating moderately well in the beginning and from there start to min max via general wayfinding; seeing what works better and worse for you.

This microcosm is indicative of the macro. As above so below.

>just because fatasses have higher risks of cancer doesn't mean physically fit people have less risk of cancer
That's exactly what it means.

I think it's known that most people are at least mildly malnourished. It should go to stand that hitting all of your macronutrients and exercising would fend off a lot of diseases. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer being the obvious ones.

Exercise is inherently enjoyable. Beyond the 'workout high' phenomenon, drawing your consciousness to a single endeavor is inherently enjoyable. Throw up a yoga tutorial on youtube and give a few moves a solid try. Post results.

Testosterone increases libido

Not enough is known about iq to talk about this but I think it should be obvious that the focus mind that discipline cultivates would be conducive to intelligent thinking. You would get a different iq result depending on your mindset. It's known that stress decreases...

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