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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17653866 [View]
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The central genesis of my complaints, at least beyond their psychiatry, is lacking something to sustain pride. All my guilt, shame, sadness stems from this. Being published would be a great source of sustaining an objective pride which would be hard to smother with self doubt or degeneration. I could cope with being alone forever, stuck in poverty or infirmary as long as I could gather a sense of pride from elsewhere. My parents will no longer pity me, I would have surpassed the wishes of my grandparents, and would no longer be considered the inferior sibling by my peers. It's like winning an Olympic medal, or getting a Victoria cross, or going to a top 3 University, or being in an impressive profession or making a copious amount of money, even something like having a house and a family. Something to be proud of that other people or yourself cannot refute as being worthy of pride and admiration. I would be allowed to stop acting timid because now I have a right to confidence (before, after losing many of my future prospects, I thought my confident personality was gaudy and crass because I nothing to be confident about. Everyone is searching for something to sustain their pride, feed an ego: often through altering their character, material gain, or note worthy feats. Unfortunately I have been left with absolutely no place to feed an ego so by gaining something that allows an ego, a sense of pride, to be wholly sustained, I would be able to content myself.

>> No.17489164 [View]
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How poor/thirdworld living do you have to be that a $5-10 paper back is TOO expensive. I don't read more than 2-3 novels a week (usually 1 a week or less) so maybe if you're a REALLY fervent with no income I'd get it but the fee is just so small and the speed of consumption so relatively lax I can't imagine see the importance of ereaders beyond extreme frugality or preference. A libraries closed? Although they might not have your deseried selection.

If you want to read on a cimputer, download f.lux, it reduces blue light and makes a white screen far softer on your eyes and frankly it's a must if you use a computer late into the evening. Eye leo isn't a bad choice either, it reminds you to do eye exercises and take breaks. Other than that maybe increase your display font size

>> No.16730550 [View]
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Good prose is good prose, purple—by it's design—would be inherently more enjoyable, however purple prose cannot disguise bad prose, which it is often deployed to do. Bad purple prose is often far less enjoyable than bad beige prose for the same reasons good purple prose is more enjoyable: purple prose is longer and more complex, thus, when done poorly, its length becomes bothersome and complexity becomes convolution. While beige prose is more efficient in conveying information, it is not to say it is artistically inferior in writing; if brevity or simplicity aids in what is being told than a good writer will see it as superior, but with good pieces that utilise the style effectively it is more so the substance of the work than the style of it that is more enjoyable—what is being conveyed is interesting and the prose suits that well. Purple prose is more stylish (that isn't to say it suits works with less substance better), and when used by an effective writer is more enjoyable as a style through the added complexity that can be added on the means of conveying the story. Purple prose is also harder to do well, or perhaps it's more accurate to say "to not do poorly". Both are valid styles and which should be used depends on the work and author, however, when done by a good author appropriately, purple prose—taken as prose alone—is more enjoyable, but not that works written in purpled prose are.

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