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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2699948 [View]
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>likes Indians
>likes to watch soccer

Oh shit, you're from Bay Village, aren't you?

>> No.2566507 [View]
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>> No.2559757 [View]
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Well in this case, I was pretty sure the irony was gonna slap you in the face, and wasn't such a case of you getting out there and looking for it, but then again this is the person who's arrogant to express his silly opinions on the internet, I should really be making more exceptions for you, etc.

>> No.2478765 [View]
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Any other thoughts? I'm social and shit, but whenever I'm talking to a girl, even if I don't even want to fuck her, I can't make her laugh like I can a guy. Then I start talking about literature and either sound pretentious/get friendzoned

>> No.2299602 [View]
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>Have to write a brief one page essay on public humiliation and its effectiveness for 6th grade assignment on The Giver
>Teacher is a pregnant and a total bitch
>Write about how she humiliates us in front of our peers everyday and how it clearly hasn't worked
>Get called to read it in front of class
>Everyone is roaring with laughter,
>She's furious, yelling at me and calling me a a horrible amoral heathen or something like that
>"why are you humiliating me?"

I know I was being a smartass, but it was worth those detentions

>> No.2294506 [View]
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>mfw when this is /lit/ summed up for the masses

>> No.2103428 [View]
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>with Hanake? Really?

>> No.2071906 [View]
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> he likes the road
laughing Reagan and cabinet.jpg

On a side note, how much of your cultural awareness is spoon fed you by the folks that write the Guardian newspaper?

>> No.2050086 [View]
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0/10? 0/10!!

>> No.2006482 [View]
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The Newfag card? Are you fricking serious?

I'm glad I didn't call the pathetic stakes for this week in my last post, this is all the more petty, vulgar and stupid

>> No.1946087 [View]
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None of that is going to cut the mustard I'm afraid, particularly the 'textual analysis,' although I do admit that I was a bit stupid with the diction of 'textual' considering your blinkeredness.

>> No.1481411 [View]
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Finnegan's Wake is easily the most accessible, and a rather easy read. Dont listen to anyone here because they hate that book, but it's probably the best start.

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