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>> No.9777258 [View]
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You're getting a lot of flak from everyone about your prose, but I think it's quite nice, actually.

However, seeing as you're "intelligent" enough to be using such vernacular, you must already know that your prose will never gain any traction in the real world. That being said, keep writing this way if it fills you with content; though, if you ever want to make it out there, you need to drop the haughtiness. I suffer from the same disease, my friend.

>> No.9741291 [View]
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>To attain actuality, it is necessary to act, and all action carries with it the one-sidedness of partiality of a particular individual acting in particular circumstances, that is, a selfishness that contradicts the universality of duty; “only a stone is innocent.” In wanting to love all, in choosing for all and against none, the beautiful soul hopes to preserve the unlimited, infinite “determinability” of its full humanity in its purity and integrity (Schiller), but in refusing to pass from determinability to a determination that will limit it by actual- izing one potentiality at the expense of others and helping some at the expense of others, it in fact chooses no one and does nothing for anyone, and loves only itself. Not even its self-sacrifice in madness (Friedrich Hölderlin) or consumption (Novalis) benefits anyone; its “feeling” and “moral vision” accomplish no real change in the world. Real action would involve adapting itself to the world and finding effective means of realizing its ends, which would inevitably involve compromises, risks, and partiality, actualizing some potentialities and sacrificing others, benefiting some particular others at the expense of others. Not willing to do this, the beautiful soul’s supposed richness of moral sentiments is exposed as bankrupt, its supposed selflessness revealed as self-worship. Whether at the level of sensory experience or moral action, the unexpressed and the unactualized is the most impoverished and least real, not the richest and most infinite. Actualization requires determination, and so limitation, but without such limitation, infinite potential remains as ague, empty, and amorphous as unformed clay, much as children represent infinite potential, but have no definite character.

The Beautiful Soul parts are fucking crushing. I'm still reading Hegel through Deleuze right now (which is a terrible idea, obv) b/c yo dawg I heard you like Land &c.

But yeah, Hegel doesn't seem to go away. Cheers for the rec.

wittgenstein is dope. interesting man for sure. i won't pretend to understand even half of the stuff that he was after.
>dat philosophical silence tho
>i like that

wu wei is definitely in that category of Misunderstood Meme Answers to Everything
>& wittgenstein is perhaps the GOAT of this

deleuze is still insanely interesting tho. just fucking insane. my mistake was reading all this shit out of order, and now wanting to love hegel but somehow reading him after these other guys


>> No.9737022 [View]
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You and I aren't much different: My grades in high school were leagues short of exemplary.

I'll take what you say about Williams with a grain of salt, however. I think I can handle not turning into an insufferable buffoon. Which state school did you go to? At least you got into a university, unlike me.

>> No.9706874 [View]
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Best books on narcissism? Fiction, non-fiction, psych, philosophy.

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