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>> No.19436878 [View]
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>Twitter theory
I mean, c'mon. I'm really trying not to make fun of you here.

>> No.17817927 [View]
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>> No.17353606 [View]
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>To think that femdom demeans the man is no different than thinking being a housewife demeans the woman.

>> No.17210020 [View]
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of course not.

>> No.14739788 [View]
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>merit is subjective
Your conclution:
>So everyone is a philosopher now? Is everyone also a surgeon?
What the fuck is wrong with you anon?

>> No.14393717 [View]
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I have, I have a Master's degree in economics and I had to read significant sections of it for an economic history class I took.

The transformation problem is essentially Marxists willing a specific unfalsifiable (read: useless) framework onto basic economics... read Samuelson's takedown of it if you haven't already

The entire notion of Marxian economics boils down to the unfalsifiable idea that exploitation, however ill-defined that term is, is THE necessary driver of all market activity, but it defines it recursively from the idea of capital itself.

Everything within Marxian economics, and I mean everything, boils down to something that's unfalsifiable or otherwise superfluous. Labour theory of value, someone counters with mud pie argument or whatever, marxists counter with 'socially necessary' bullshit, which is then countered with the fact that that is equivalent to the expression of supply and demand, which Marxists counter with the difference between exchange and use value, which ultimately lies in the labour-time within the work, and the entire thing repeats. It's all so tiresome

The constant revision of the theory to bridge irreconcilable gaps and its total lack of predictive power are precisely because Marxism, in its entirety, without the guise of an economic theory, is the imposition of an order onto the world, a mental framework fostered by deep ressentiment. Which is perfect for criticism, it's perfect for cultural theory, it's perfect for sociology. It isn't perfect for economics, or at least any sort of economics that aims to create positive outcomes and not just facilitate discourse

And the natural evolution of economics has realized this, which is why LTV and Marxism lie in the field's dustbin

>> No.12871463 [View]
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>> No.12309506 [View]
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>> No.11924232 [View]
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>> No.10311099 [View]
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>why are people shitting on Cliff?
>He's pretentious as all hell

>> No.9365489 [View]
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>yfw the 12th book will be published at the end of the year

Literally how is the series still going? Is Greg still in middle school?

>> No.8553431 [View]
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B/c you're not omniscient and omnipotent. You can't control your own/large masses' of people suffering and pleasure because you can't control fate. Sometimes life is counterintuitive and suffering turns out to have been better due to a twist of fate than going the utilitarian way.

>> No.8501319 [View]
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what does it matter what it tells you about the world if you forget the boring ass text m8?

>> No.8208952 [View]
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>get baited
>say that he btfo the baiter

>> No.8126696 [View]
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So, after watching this series and seeing how Martin in his SF books wrote about the same fucking thing over and over again I can conclude that he's not a hack per se but an unimaginative cunt.

>> No.7891493 [View]
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Book of Isaiah

>> No.7815928 [View]
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>war and peace is mediocre

>> No.7806577 [View]
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, yfw this guy is a survivor of the Columbine shooting no seriously look it up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was in the 6th grade when the mass murder occurred. At the time in my puerile thinking, I considered it the crime of the century and it certainly was for the State of Colorado, but then as many of you know it was quickly and abruptly overshadowed by other events and the fervor died away. The Attacks on September 11th quickly became the crime of a new century and millennium. If this book is correct, the misinformation and just the mythos surrounding the shooting have been and are still distorted.

It's strange how almost mythical Columbine has become over the years. Compared to other school shootings (including the more lethal Virginia Tech) it has an aura of legend around it that only seems to have thickened with time, whereas others have just been forgotten. It sort of ended the happy upbeat half-deceptive atmosphere of the 90s before 9/11 came along. It's like the JFK assasination of school shootings.

>> No.7229852 [View]
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Can you all stop le trolling my small intellect for 5 min and tell me what the fuck i'm supposed to see in this book besides incest. read it and didnt enjoy it. just fapped, constantly. this book is shit because i read hemingway.

>> No.5968394 [View]
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That's not nice

>> No.5934302 [View]
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Tell us more.
Bullshit or not shit's a good story

>> No.5357728 [View]
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Syd Field's "Screenplay", you dunce.

>> No.5356271 [DELETED]  [View]
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> in English comp class
> we read a short story about this burglar that breaks into a girl's house and then gets tortured by the girl
> teacher asks, "what is this story really about?"
> other student: "it's about how the burglar is nice"
> wat
> I raise my hand and say, "I think it's a statement about the effects of imperialism"
> teacher: "what? no. whenever I think of imperials I just think of star wars"
> he's an english/history teacher
> doesn't know what imperialism is in the context of literature or history
> mfw

>> No.5342841 [View]
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>Someone has a different opinion than I do therefore they are idiotic

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