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>> No.11702699 [View]
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>> No.11696628 [View]
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The evidence suggest it's the most likely explanation, though that's not why I believe. Some people have become Christian because of the evidence for the Resurrection.

>> No.11685364 [View]
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This is an emotional reaction and not an argument.

>> No.11676791 [View]
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I'm almost at a month now. That based nofap anon really pushed me forward with that nofap thread a few weeks ago or so. If you're reading this, thanks for everything!

In the meantime I have massively tempered my desires, to the point of losing a significant amount of lust and such. The clarity of mind and increased energy is rather noticeable. I hope I'm on the path to freedom from here on. Urges are random and sporadic but I have learned to ignore them.

Quitting wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, although I never had *that* much of a problem. The most important tip I have picked up is to avoid all forms of arousal as much as possible. Disabling thumbnails helps. Even going as far as turning your head when scantily clad women come across you in public. Just know all of you can do it if you put your mind to it.

>> No.11663061 [View]
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Sex before marriage is a sin.

>> No.11644196 [View]
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You assume
>You assume
>You assume
>You assume
The only person doing the assuming here is yourself. Please, spare the dime-store psychoanalysis. This is beyond Freudian analysis and pure invented conjecture fitting to your own belief that sexual activity is harmless.

>One, you are spiteful to sexually active people becuase you see them as unholy.
I view religion more as a tool for improving life in the here and now by overcoming our own biologically hardwired shortcomings. It helps induce a reflective, contemplative state and directs men to live life with some sort of purpose. I'm by no means a pious adherent but rather an outside observer, admirer. You see, hard materialism has poisoned my capacity and willingness to accept a metaphysical framework— effectively a 6 year post-graduate education of hard science that reduced a human being down to bits and pieces and the reasons and mechanisms behind why simply seemed more reasonable than that of any God. I'd venture to say that I'm not even a Christian and am agnostic.

>Two, you disdain the sexually active becuase you cannot obtain sex. While this one is mostly self-explanatory, one can see how you blatantly hate them for having sex.

On the contrary, I've obtained more than my fill, which was devoid of any purpose or outcome other than being an outlet for pleasure, which came at a physiological cost. It left my fatigued and always instilled further reinforcement to do it again. Motivational resources are limited and you are but a product of what you repeatedly do. Rather than focus on my education, my dreams and aspirations, or even reading the hundreds of books on my shelves, my foremost goals were getting into some random woman's pants or if that was unattainable, the masturbation and pornography session that awaited. The 15 minutes it took was no the problem. It was the after effects that impaired and destroyed all motivation. It ruined focus. It left me lazy and tired all the time. I seldom read any books. Yet, despite recognizing early on that it had adverse effects, I continued. The sex act seldom satiated for more than a half an hour. The only thing that brought freedom from this vicious cycle was total abstinence. It made me infinitely more productive and enabled me to embark on what I wanted to do, not some urge distracting me from these goals.

If I held nothing but contempt for such individuals as you allege, then why would I bother writing these posts? In fact, people I admire as friends, I try to steer in the right direction by mentioning them by change of life induced by chasteness.

>Three, you hate the unchaste to appear more intelligent.
I'll take a page from your playbook and say that you are projecting the reverse. It seems that your entire argument is posturing to make you seem more intelligent.

I never mentioned that leading a chaste lifestyle led to greater intelligence (a major presumption to your argument). It leads to utilizing the life you have.

>> No.11632041 [View]
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>> No.11605544 [View]
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Read 'Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence'
Crude in it's hypotheses but should help set your mind on the right track.

There are several posts on /lit/ late spring that have documented how you can quit it in depth. I would suggest searching an archive with the term.

>> No.11588624 [View]
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Leading a chaste lifestyle is almost a prerequisite for reading voraciously. The dopaminergic motivational pathways are wasted on sexual pursuits, the subconscious is filled with whatever fantasy or pornography you conjured or consumed, and the brain itself functions slower because prolactin levels (an anti-dopamine hormone) have gone through the roof.
You can sit down and pretend to read a book a week but you can't truly read a book a week with true recollection without total celibacy-- abstaining both from masturbation and sex.
This makes reading no longer a chore, but a pleasure.

>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

Stop masturbating. Stop watching porn. Stop having sex. If you minimize the potential for arousal, such a task soon becomes effortless.

I would assume the only reason the guy in the OP was able to do this, was because he looks depressed and they prescribe drugs which suppress the sex drive. This is inferior to embarking on continence at your own volition. These drugs have adverse effects.
He obviously is a pseudointellectual that went to an expensive undergraduate institution under the delusion that that somehow makes him really smart. It doesn't.
He strikes me as the character to skim the books and say that he has read them, which is a very different task than reading it word for word. This is why the book selection is insipid self-help books.

Abstain and you'll read more than a book a week. You will move mountains.

>> No.11587094 [View]
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We already had this thread.
Song of Songs
The Seducer's Diary
The Metaphysics of Sex
The Symposium
The Agony of Eros
Your Brain on Porn

>> No.11579866 [View]
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St. Augustine.
Helpful even if you don't believe in God.

>> No.11551546 [View]
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Confessions by St. Augustine.

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