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>> No.13829830 [View]
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>> No.13246963 [View]
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>Why do people shit on LotR? Is it just because it's popular? I mean, it's not "profound", but I'd rather read that, a spectacularly good story with heart, than a well-written novel about an intellectual and his lust for his slutty qt 3.14 step-daughter, supposedly meant as a mind-play gimmick.

I don't know brother, I haven't read it. I hope you can find the willpower to stop the self-abuse and regain your strength; and if not for yourself, for God. One may look to Him for guidance in solving these problems, as He is the greatest source of knowledge and power that exists.

>> No.13043531 [View]
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>Hey, there. This a newsflash: human beings are sexual creatures and have sexual urges.
And these urges can be reinforced and lead to maladaptive sexual behaviors that undermine one's agency over life, exaggerating the sexual frequency well beyond that of practically any 'sexual creature' on this planet not endowed with reason or higher intellect.
>Welcome to the species. You're not better than anyone else, but you're not any worse.
Notions of total equality are fundamentally flawed; I am better than some, and worse than others. This is determined by a number of factors, eg, virtue, intellect.
In the same way reason separates us from the beasts, abandoning lowers oneself to the status as such makes one intrinsically inferior to those who haven't.
>Unless you need to see people being abused or wounded to get off, in which case you might need to take a breather and figure out why.
The harm of consuming pornography has nothing to do with the well-being of the wretched actors in question, but what it does to the consumer, and how it erodes his mind to be nothing more than a slave to the lower passions.
>Otherwise... stop guilting people about their porn.
Reason is not guilt. You feel guilt because you know if this is true you are throwing away your life.
Absolutely seething.

>> No.12900755 [View]
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>Nothing religious please.

>> No.12513335 [View]
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Pornography is not good.
It takes away your freedom over this life.
>For this was what I was longing to do; but as yet I was bound by the iron chain of my own will. The enemy held fast my will, and had made of it a chain, and had bound me tight with it. For out of the perverse will came lust, and the service of lust ended in habit, and habit, not resisted, became necessity. By these links, as it were, forged together--which is why I called it “a chain”--a hard bondage held me in slavery.

>> No.12353702 [View]
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I found Confessions by St. Augustine to be very useful even though I don't believe in God. :(

>> No.12298388 [DELETED]  [View]
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I am 5'2" and I will never have the love of a pretty girl because of my height. Rather than mope over this any longer, I want to overcome my carnal desires. I don't mean this in a negative sense (that women are all whores or aren't worth it or something like that, I don't blame women for my own shortcomings) but rather I sense that there might be a greater peace and happiness beyond just the genetic impulses of procreation and sex-seeking. Even that of domestic bliss, which I fear might be out of my grasp as well.

I've considered monkhood, but I come from a poor family and since I'd like to take care of my parents when they get older, secluding myself in a monastery will not do.

I've already taken some steps to free myself of my carnal desires, I've quit porn and masturbation for good (and am beginning to realize, due to the intensity of the cravings, how much I was addicted to them--and it's only been two weeks or so). I've picked up reading again, initially with genre fiction which I had to drop because most popular books seem to have explicit sex scenes.

Unfortunately I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to literature. I'd like to read some books on overcoming carnal desire but I don't know of any books on the subject. The few I do know of I only remember from high school: Siddhartha (which if I recall right does have a sex scene but does so in the context of this exact issue) Crime and Punishment (specifically, iirc, the character of Svidrigailov who kills himself because of his inability to satisfy his unrelenting lust) and of course the Bible, which I've only read parts of.

Apologies for the blogpost.

>> No.12187120 [View]
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>> No.12168810 [View]
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>People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.
The most highly sexed individuals often were the ones who found the most vanity and fruitlessness in indulging (fueling) the whims of this drive. The example of pic related, myself and countless others can attest to this. It's people who can't attain it to whom applies this fable. Celibate as used in the OP would exclude masturbation and lusting itself. If this was a sex doll thread, you may have a point but it isn't and this isn't what it is about; you see celibate and have a knee-jerk reaction, automatically conflating it with "incel" and their philosophy and lifestyle. Two entirely different things.

>> No.12150246 [View]
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Abstain from sex and masturbation and you'll write dozens of pages a day, effortlessly. Sexual excesses explain why so many people are lackluster and lacking motivation. The trick to abstinence is to remove provocative stimuli from your surroundings and thoughts. You do this, it actually becomes easy, so easy in fact that you'll feel less aroused than you normally would as the seminal vesicles cease producing as much semen which in turn makes you less prone to arousal from sexual stimuli.

>> No.12132280 [View]
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Or as Augustine put it more succinctly

>> No.12098429 [View]
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>didn't read the study
It's the opposite.

>> No.12046008 [View]
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>> No.12041285 [View]
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>> No.11958422 [View]
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Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires.

>> No.11940736 [View]
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Stay at it , friend.

>> No.11927390 [View]
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>> No.11920181 [View]
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>> No.11899460 [View]
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No healthy man is asexual. Asexuals are sexual deviants that admit on their forums to masturbating still ultimately amounting to a paraphilia. I also suspect ulterior motives.

It is possible to be celibate/chaste and have your sexual drive die down (which, is increasingly being shown to be driven by habit/feedback mechanisms which means you are responsible for it's strength depending on your indulgence), even the most sexual people can have their sex drives tempered with effort (very relevant pic related).
You just need to remove sexual stimuli from your enviroment and make strong effort to cease the habit of sexual release that you instilled. This takes tremendous effort but if done correctly and abstinence is practiced mentally as well as physically, you will find abstinence incredibly easy and the no longer have the whims of your sex drive directing your day.

>> No.11879791 [View]
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Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires while lessening your appetite. Lessen your labors and remain in your cell. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.11857203 [View]
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It's the opposite.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

This is a canard. When unchaste, I can masturbate or have sex 3+ times a day. It satiates for a half hour. The rest of the day is baseline arousal "horiness" is far worse when unchaste and is easily triggered by just about anything. It is a feedback mechanism.
When abstinent, sex isn't on my mind and I am not aroused. The "horniness" is not there.

While you may have been physically abstinent for a short period, you were never practicing mental abstinence. You still conjured and indulged in lascivious thoughts. You still exposed yourself to sexual stimuli. Of course you would be horny all the time. You have no frame of reference.

>> No.11855149 [View]
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When abstinent, yes. I love reading. It comes naturally, as was the case before puberty.
When unchaste, no it's a chore that requires discipline to keep going and is never done for recreation.

>> No.11836875 [View]
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Clement of Alexandria
"Because of its divine institution for the propagation of man, the seed is not to be vainly ejaculated, nor is it to be damaged, nor is it to be wasted" (The Instructor of Children 2:10:91:2 [A.D. 191]).

Clement of Alexandria
"To have coitus other than to procreate children is to do injury to nature" (ibid. 2:10:95:3).

"God gave us eyes not to see and desire pleasure, but to see acts to be performed for the needs of life; so too, the genital ['generating'] part of the body, as the name itself teaches, has been received by us for no other purpose than the generation of offspring" (ibid. 6:23:18).

Epiphanius of Salamis
"They [certain Egyptian heretics] exercise genital acts, yet prevent the conceiving of children. Not in order to produce offspring, but to satisfy lust, are they eager for corruption" (Medicine Chest Against Heresies 26:5:2 [A.D. 375]).

>> No.11817046 [View]
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