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>> No.21479881 [View]
File: 197 KB, 1400x1050, snail vs knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snails used to be giant and fought knights in medieval times.

>> No.20801387 [View]
File: 197 KB, 1400x1050, snail ritter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did write the opening in English a few threads back, here.

As surely as Jerusalem is the navel of the world is this narrative true. It is a record of events as transpired in the environs of Escargot abbey in the Year of our Lord 1119, occurring in the most part between the week before midsummer and harvest. May God have mercy on our souls and the souls of those who find it, if any do. Carry salt with you always and remember the lesson of the tortoise and the hare lest your days end before their allotted time.
The matter concerns as beast of unnatural make, one never before attested to in bestiaries known to any in the abbey, and these being learned men it is unlikely such recordings can be found elsewhere in Christendom either, nor among the Greek or Roman pagans or even the Muslims, in so far as their writings are known to us. This beast neither walks on four legs as do wolves and bears and lions, nor does it have poison fangs as snakes do or wings as the mosquito or fly. The beast in its natural state is a snail, having the full characteristics of a snail as recognized by anyone who has ever laid eyes on one, that is the shell with its spiral shape inside of which the creature can bodily hide itself in full, eyestalks as can retract and protract, a slimy mucus which is secreted as to allow the body to move and a lack of any bones save those which are recognized as teeth of which there are many in the jawless mouth much like eels.
The beast was at first thought to be an ordinary snail, and though these sometimes made nuisance of themselves in the garden or the cabbage paths they were not accounted a great threat either to foodstuff or to the wellbeing of men, and it was not unknown that monks should cook snails on Friday to supplement their meals when no meat was allowed and this was not forbidden by any law or canon or tradition, hallelujah!
A sound was reported in the garden as sounded like men speaking, but no men were found, and the sound was exceedingly quiet, like a whisper. Ghosts in broad daylight were unusual but exorcisms were performed when enough brothers had heard the sounds and this put minds at ease but to no avail for the sounds continued still.
Brother Olivier claimed the sound came from a snail and he brought this be inspected indoors, in the room where also was kept an injured wagtail as was being nursed to health.
Here then were heard the whispers from the snail, and then after it mimicked also the song of the wagtail upon hearing it, and also the gasps of the brothers upon witnessing this, and thus was it dubbed The Mimic Snail and with that beast is this record concerned.

>> No.20755034 [View]
File: 197 KB, 1400x1050, snail ritter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As surely as Jerusalem is the navel of the world is this narrative true. It is a record of events as transpired in the environs of Escargot abbey in the Year of our Lord 1119, occurring in the most part between the week before midsummer and harvest. May God have mercy on our souls and the souls of those who find it, if any do. Carry salt with you always and remember the lesson of the tortoise and the hare lest your days end before their allotted time.
The matter concerns as beast of unnatural make, one never before attested to in bestiaries known to any in the abbey, and these being learned men it is unlikely such recordings can be found elsewhere in Christendom either, nor among the Greek or Roman pagans or even the Muslims, in so far as their writings are known to us. This beast neither walks on four legs as do wolves and bears and lions, nor does it have poison fangs as snakes do or wings as the mosquito or fly. The beast in its natural state is a snail, having the full characteristics of a snail as recognized by anyone who has ever laid eyes on one, that is the shell with its spiral shape inside of which the creature can bodily hide itself in full, eyestalks as can retract and protract, a slimy mucus which is secreted as to allow the body to move and a lack of any bones save those which are recognized as teeth of which there are many in the jawless mouth much like eels.
The beast was at first thought to be an ordinary snail, and though these sometimes made nuisance of themselves in the garden or the cabbage paths they were not accounted a great threat either to foodstuff or to the wellbeing of men, and it was not unknown that monks should cook snails on Friday to supplement their meals when no meat was allowed and this was not forbidden by any law or canon or tradition, hallelujah!
A sound was reported in the garden as sounded like men speaking, but no men were found, and the sound was exceedingly quiet, like a whisper. Ghosts in broad daylight were unusual but exorcisms were performed when enough brothers had heard the sounds and this put minds at ease but to no avail for the sounds continued still.
Brother Olivier claimed the sound came from a snail and he brought this be inspected indoors, in the room where also was kept an injured wagtail as was being nursed to health.
Here then were heard the whispers from the snail, and then after it mimicked also the song of the wagtail upon hearing it, and also the gasps of the brothers upon witnessing this, and thus was it dubbed The Mimic Snail and with that beast is this record concerned.

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