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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12059531 [View]
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>This is all complete fucking bullshit written by pseudo-intellectuals with no grasp on reality but I'll believe it, all of it, and I mean that unironically.
there is a section in the OP for Things /lit/ Says and this is absolutely why that section is there. this goes in quoted in full you guys. & the cruffitan liveth

i'll take it. i'll fucking take it
>it was the bottom of the barrel and he scraped it
>and Lo, it was good

his name was tarnasfag
>i feel like this is the start of something ill want to remember the start of, a decade from now, when im wondering where it all went wrong or wry or wryght or right going through my own memories dreams and reflections
keep us posted amigo. also the art is fucking on-point. that is Mos Def what it is all about. postmodernity leads to *the inferno,* and there is no way out except by going all the way through. and next, iirc, was *Purgatory.* paradise is a long ways away. for now 'tis all Wild Ride while we get the grips. & pardon the strange idiosyncratic jargon but my days are unironically made by these threads.

so back to >>12059146.
>Which is why Optimize for Morality and Optimize for Intelligence come into conflict.
they do. they most certainly do. so here's something i want to think about: the Kojima School. the whole idea of MGS 5 was that *in order to build your base,* you had to basically *steal converts from the enemy.* i've said before that Kojima was an all-time vidya auteur and daily for me the evidence mounts for this being the case. Mother Base is *full* of NPCs, there's no question about it. the game plays this up for effect, you can beat the brakes off of them and they'll ask for more.

*but how do they come to be there in the first place?* they're *converted.* from the Other Side. Big Boss isn't who he is because he is *purely moral* or *purely intelligent.* Big Boss is who he is because *he is fucking cool* and he has an idea of his own to believe in. that's how you do it. and no, i see absolutely no problems whatever taking cues on moral philosophy from vidya. as i said, i like to keep a light touch on these things. i also think Kojima is a complete auteur, and that auteurs often know or intimate things that philosophers don't. the poets are almost *always* a step ahead of the theorists.

no ideology is immune to *seduction,* transformation, or shift over time. that's why i think this is such a brave new world. nobody has any claims on the Real any longer, least of all the Moral Real. we all play games now. we did, perhaps, once, under deconstruction also: but that became idpol, and Cosmotech is a sworn enemy of idpol. better no-self than a false self. and better a Taoist hermit village than the Third Reich also.

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