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>> No.12431973 [View]
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here's a passage from it that >>12414010 may enjoy.
>= Helter Skelter! The Replicants are dangerous but fascinating, frightening but beautiful, often but not totally and intractably alien; they gradually emerge as the film's true emotional centre - and Roy who is gigantic, huge, existential, dying, embodies a love that can kill. Roy Batty uses a near- quotation from Blake to introduce himself:

>= 'Fiery the angel fell; deep thunder rolled = Around their shore, burning with the fires of Orc.' = ['AMERICA: A PROPHECY']

>= Roy Batty is a Blakean visionary, driven to acts of incredibly hulking Nietzschean greatness, because he embodies the world's pain. "Quite an experience to live in fear, that's what it is to be a slave." But Roy is not just another skin-job, he's what every Amerikan militarist fantasizes about, the sound of the end of the world. Culture is disintegrating around Roy and he just ignores the post-modern culture - collapse, the values - panic and goes to meet Deckard. Roy lapses into vague homo-erotica when he speaks to Deckard - "You'd better get it up, because if you don't, I'm going to have to kill you." - Roy is savage, dying undulation - pure here and now rather than only slightly now and then =

such a good essay.

ty once again anon, it is a ridiculously good read. and a reminder also that the Road to Idiocracy we are presently on isn't the only possible one. we are on the path to catastrophe today because *we walked away from horror.* Joseph Campbell has a line about this:
>everyone who does not become a hero becomes another victim to be saved.
if you want to explain the appearance of Beyond Good And Evil types throughout history, maybe we have to look no further than their a priori conditions: a critical mass of victims. but where do victims come from? from horror misunderstood, from the dark places that have to get navigated by torchlight. there be dragons: but it's not necessarily the case, contra JBP, that dragons must as such be slain in order to raise high the roofbeams. sometimes they just need to speak, as Sphinxes do, and be heard, and liberated from secrets and knowledge.

that perhaps is why Freud > Jung. true, Jung is the thinker for the *victorious* hero, and Freud for the *failed* one: but therein lies the rub. not everything that looks like Tiamat is Tiamat, and the same goes for Marduk. you don't have kill a thing if you understand the game that it wants to play.

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