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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20414448 [View]
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>English majors
>intelligent girls
Holy kek anon, have you ever even spoken to one? I’m guessing not considering you try to pick girls up at Barnes and noble you fucking loser.
English majors are not only unintelligent, they aren’t even that interested in literature. I studied biology at university and I read far more literature in both quantity and quality than the female literature students I lived with who were far more interested in marvel movies and histrionic gender/race cultural “studies” the most literary they would get was the romantic poets (which was part of their curriculum so they had to study it) and Virginia Woolf (because of course it was).
The girls/women I’ve met with genuine interests in literature were all artists and art students, not literature students.

>> No.19426950 [View]
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Harry Potter isn’t good enough to be considered literature, therefore this thread is off-topic Q.E.D.

>> No.18088750 [View]
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>be me
>consider myself a liberal
>at university, studying biology
>have a module on behavioural biology
>a significant part of the module is on kin altruism
>need to write an essay on kin altruism
>realise that kin altruism gives an explanation and biological justification for nepotism
>in the process of writing my essay consider the inverse
>what if instead of helping closely related individuals because it benefits the spread of genetics you share, we considered harming those without close genetic ties because this would also give our own genes a better chance
>realise that I’ve accidentally justified ethnonationalism
>my core beliefs are shook
>hear that Spinoza’s Ethica was to some extent the progenitor of liberalism given its focus on freedom
>read it
>it turns out that the freedom he justifies is freedom from irrationality not freedom to act to your fancies
>book considered to be foundational to liberalism shattered my belief in it
>mfw philosophy still made me happier than ever before

>> No.17641100 [View]
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“Free” will never stood a chance

>> No.17626241 [View]
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>> No.17372203 [View]
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>Are there any books about how [an expansion in freedom to do whatever you wanted at any time] was a sham, and didn't replace [rigid Abrahamic theological law] with actual freedom, but [becoming ruled by confused ideas and irrational passions leading to harmful hedonism]?
The Ethics by Benny Spinner.
True freedom is rationality and freedom from your baser desires.

>> No.17099753 [View]
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*refutes Judaism*
heh, nothing personnel yid

>> No.16971210 [View]
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>Any books on this?
Quite a lot of philosophy books.

>> No.16819466 [View]
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what's wrong anon? you keep talking about "other worlds" and "transcendence" and all that? Are you okay? Have a seat on the couch, tell me all about it.

>> No.16633185 [View]
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Based and Baruch-pilled

>> No.16590273 [View]
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Hyper based
It became more of a meme here because of guenonfag, and then spinozanon used it too directly after guenonfag so it’s associated with Based Baruch now and with most others too.

>> No.16515613 [View]
File: 58 KB, 321x394, DC6D4AB2-5900-4C8D-879D-40F5F9E52A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ethics by Spinoza
His conception of God and the striving for the extension of one’s power of action did not completely change my worldview, only better express thoughts I already had; but his conception of human freedom deeply affected me. Prior to reading The Ethics I was quite fundamentally ideologically liberal (despite fairly strong nationalist beliefs) in that I believed freedom of action to be the most important thing to have, to be able to do what you want despite the outer expectations of others or of a fundamental truth. The Ethics made me realise that doing what you want to do isn’t freedom, doing what is rational is freedom, you shouldn’t be permitted to do anything because many things are totally irrational. Not that one can’t enjoy oneself or have fun but one can do that without it being a detriment to yourself or society at large. On the whole it greatly improved my life, I went from being fairly aimless to studying medicine in preparation for a job I’d find productive and fulfilling, I’m in much better shape than I was (mainly from exercise as diet was always ok), and certainly happier.

The order and connection of my ideas truly did come to affect the order and connection of my physical life.

>> No.16397715 [View]
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God exists even if the universe is eternally recursive

>> No.16306164 [View]
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Hey kings, what are we reading today? For me it’s “between the woods and the water” by Patrick Leigh Fermor.
There should be a giterature chart like the gusic chart, what are some books about kots?

>> No.16293371 [View]
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>>The Iliad
Read in full
>>The Odyssey
Read in full
>>Plato's works
Working through a translation at the moment
>>Aristotle's works
Read a small amount, wanted to wait until I had finished Plato
>>The Aeneid
Read in full for highschool
>>The Bible
No, I’ve been meaning to read it but I keep putting it off because of length and jewishness.
>>The Divine Comedy
Haven’t read
>>The Canterbury Tales
Almost none of, the millers tale but nothing else
>>Shakespeare's works
Read all plays (and seen many of them)
I haven’t read all of his sonnets
>>Paradise Lost
Read in full
I’m fairly pleb but working on it, at least I read the classical epics in original language.
>I would read Plato's and Aristotle's works, but I am afraid reading philosophy will make me depressed
Only shitty post-enlightenment philosophers will do this to you. Most philosophers between Plato and Leibniz are very life affirming.
Science is a subsection of philosophy. Liking only science is for bugmen, ignoring science totally is for retards who are afraid of getting ideas from physically outside of themselves. It’s not philosophy and science, science is a smaller part within the whole of philosophy which cannot be reasonably ignored.

>> No.16288913 [View]
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>> No.16288145 [View]
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There are plenty of cures, read some bloomer /lit/, Ethica helped me (though his point about commonality between all humans is a false assumption from a time before evolution was known about, which refuted the notion of ethnopluralistic harmony). Ishmael’s variance of perspective in Moby-Dick is an interesting one, though possibly dangerous.
Stoicism is very normalfag but is a good way of coping whilst working on the self and weathering the world at large, it should not be your only foray into philosophy, in fact you should read very little and focus on another thing centrally.
Based but bluepilled cryptojew
Christianity is too universalist for it to remain the control of the masses in a rational society, it might lead back to humanism again.
Explain. Sounds esoteric.

>> No.15427479 [View]
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Moby Dick (Which I have read before but wanted to read again because it’s astounding) and V.
Either more of complete Plato or A.R. Wallace’s account of the Malay Archipelago

>> No.15419700 [View]
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On the clock
But the party don’t stop, no

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