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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19874135 [View]
File: 34 KB, 500x449, 09843953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course not look at modern elites:
sycophantic shills that work for multinational interestand mega corpos. they idea of Overman scares the shit out of them so they push thing like socialism and communal longhouse mudhut lifestyle.
pic rel is ancient finding of 25000 neolithic "womyn" these femcels feminist fat obese dgross matriarchs ruled over cuckolds in longhouses living 20-30 retards eating off the floor dirt with their bare hands like bonobo masturbators. then in the East came the wild riders, free men and clean air of the steppes the ARYANS or indo-europeans for PC nerds who cannot cope with the possibility of seizing the life... NIetszsche said something like (I paraphrase) "ILIVE FOR NO NATION TODAY BUT THE ONES IN WHICH WE SHALL BUUILD TOMORROW" i disregard the law, i disregard the opinions of retards, womyn, femcels, and other miscreants slaves to communal society of longhouses mudhuts slop look at cuisine of african slop houses tribes run by women they eat literal slop SLOP

>> No.19141385 [View]
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Feminists want to "deconstruct masculinity". Look up the European Neolithic Longhouse cultures of 25000 BC. Men were malnourished and incapable of self-reliance, dominated by w&*myn seers and priestesses who were all morbidly obese and fat (similar to feminists).

when the indo-aryans came during their conquests they encountered these people and ... killed every single one of them to a man, enslaving them and genociding them. killing the fat oberse women and not even breeding with them.

PIC RELATED is pre-neolithic artt showing fat obese femcel cunt ruler. this is agreeable with the globalhomo establishment because masculinity = freedom = resistance to tyranny

>> No.18558821 [View]
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>posts picture of woman in a masculine dominated environment
>seriously thinks W*M*N will look that under matriarchy
look at Western W*M*N today, the fat dykes with bowlcuts and several rolls... yes that is what you are going to get.

>> No.18524255 [View]
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This happens to me when I start talking about the neolithic cucksheds in Europe prior to the PATRIARCHAL LIBERATION by the indo-aryan steppe warrior nomads

>> No.18412220 [View]
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Shall I?

>> No.18406237 [View]
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i conclude my stream of conscious dialogue with the final point of the dismantling of beauty in replacement of the yeast infection. smell the crotch of these women and you will gag, its enough to make even famous porn stars like richard dawkins and other nerds gag because even those insectoids wont want to touch them. when i see men talking "fat asses" i reach for my sword. here is where i end the dialogue though, because i need to think of other things. but all of this was pondered on by me today while i was sun bathing in public park in my off-brand underwear on a thin towel, the air was cool with a nice breeze but the sun was nice. i use coconut oil to lotion my skin and create a glistening account of myself. i think about walking in to some feminist literary circlejerk like this with an erection and having contemplative moment about my indo-european ancestors tearing int osome mudcuck village on chariots slaughtering these fat womyn and bputting them to work as chattel slaves on the factory farms they had thecucked men slaving away on. must have been a great moment, a pinnacle of humans overcoming the YEAST infection that only happens once every few thousand years.....

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