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>> No.24161829 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Oh my GAWD, Becky, you'll never guess who I saw on Tinder last night!
>Ohmigod, who did you see?
>*Both, initially in unison but then in a piercing and discordant noise that can be heard for 50 metres in all directions* TEEEEEHEEEEE HAHAHAHAHA Oh my God!
>Why is he using Tinder? Do guys like him even like girls? Do any GIRLS even find guys like him sexy? What did he even look like? What did his profile say?
>It was so sad! It was just him being pictured on his own next to famous landmarks! He probably read that girls don't like selfies and got some poor tourists to take his picture! Ummm, hello?! The point of no selfies isn't no selfies, it's to prove to girls that you have friends and you're not an incel creep who hates women!
>Oh my God, did you swipe him right? That would be SO funny. He barely talked to you all year but he probably thinks he has a chance.
>I *did* match him... And we matched! I've already sent his profile to the Nice Guys of Tinder Instagram account and my friend who writes at BuzzFeed will include him in their monthly aspiring creepy rapists roundup!
>Ohmigod, what next? Shall we get him to order us pizzas at the sorority house?

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