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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19943262 [View]
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It should be remembered in all this that Marx's/Lenin's teleology is based on the idea that the revolution and its vanguard are only the spear-tip of the class struggle that is really, objectively carrying on beneath it, cf. Marx's remarks about how the best thing for any socialist movement to do in any country is to focus on sparking the revolution locally ASAP because it will then spread like wildfire to other nations (in his letter on the Polish question I believe, I can't remember). So even imperfections and errors like the USSR inevitably made in the concrete particulars of its situation should have conduced to revolution - the same dialectical factors that caused the revolution in the first place should have continued to work upon Stalinism too, so that if Stalinism was a dead end, as the tsars were, it too would be smashed through. If the apparatchik "new class" WAS just a new bourgeoisie draped in red flags, it should have suffered the same fate as any other bourgeoisie.

But it didn't. The classless society not only never arrived, but things got WORSE from a Marxist perspective, both in the old bourgeois countries and in every country that experienced a revolution. Where is the "proof in the pudding" of Engels' remark and Marx's projections that classlessness that NATURALLY results from the dictatorship of the proletariat, once revealed, and no matter how imperfect in its manifestation, would NATURALLY spread like wildfire?

They are just spamming to clog up the thread because /leftypol/ started dying recently. It split over tranny discord drama (no, I am not joking, literal trannies) and is now split between two different sites with userbases that hate eachother, despite only being a few hundred people at most.

>> No.19929501 [View]
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I don't read books by anti-semites so I wouldn't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19891171 [View]
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I'm searching for some books which argue against the separation of powers and "checks and balances". Preferably something serious and not stupid esoteric bullshit. Need it to trash pol-sci students who thinks they're hot shit

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