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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11966986 [View]
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hi anons, first time on /lit/, I'm looking for hard SF / space opera books. I started with The Expanse and worked my way out to KSR (read most of his stuff) and Stephen Baxter (almost all of his stuff). I enjoy Clarke/Asimov era tales but really liked "Saturn Run" by Sandford and "Mote in God's Eye" and "Fire Upon The Deep" and "Blindsight" by Watts. Weir is too campy.

I've ripped through the first few Honor Harrington books but they seem to be moving away from Space combat (which I love) and toward society and political plots.

A book I read years ago that may have started this binge was "Star Corpsman: Abyss Deep" by Ian Douglas -- I went on to read his Star Carrier series which I enjoyed immensely for the first few books. Star Carrier is kind of the outer bound of what I'm interested in though. Ideally I want to read about people dealing with the complexities of space life, not riding miniature black holes at significant fractions of C fighting stereotypical space ayylmaos.

Finally, above even the technical writing, what I Really love are stories of horror and struggle in space, a lá Ark by Baxter where dozens of people live in a tiny metal tube for decades and have to endure fire, famine and filth and raise children among it. The first two thirds of Seveneves was another good one like this. Things that really stretch the bounds of the human condition, but realistically in space.

Any recommendations? Should I make my own thread?

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