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>> No.22598658 [View]
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*completes marx*

>> No.21919021 [View]
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How did he feel about Christianity?

>> No.21908803 [View]
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On the most trivial plane, the role now played by advertisement and propaganda would be inconceivable without the precondition of this passive opening up of the individual: an opening up which has either already de facto taken place, or which can easily be attained by means of this or that technique. It is well know that in the field of so-called MR (= motivational research) in the US, psychiatry and psychoanalysis have been recruited by the advertising industry to provide guidance as to which ‘subtle’ methods are the most effective in psychologically influencing the public. By operating on the unconscious and ancestral layers of the mind, it is possible to elicit decisions and choices in a desired direction, so as to arouse specific interests. In the US, all major companies have special MR departments; and if huge sums are spent on them, it mean that this system works, that the investment is a profitable one, and hence that defenceless passivity is indeed to be found in a vast number of men and women. It is telling that all this is taking place in the US, the country where, under the sign of democracy, it is claimed that man has achieved the highest degree of freedom, emancipation, and selfconsciousness—when in fact the invisible coercion to shape society through the various forms of conformism and public opinion is often at least as great in this alleged ‘land of the free’ and ‘free world’, as the coercion exercised in visible and direct forms by the State in the so-called totalitarian systems of the ‘unfree’ world.

Indeed, generally speaking, one could say that the success of the ideologies and slogans that almost completely dominate sociopolitical life today is simply due to the absence, in most individuals, of any real defence which might bar access to the sub-intellectual, irrational and ‘physical’ part of the psyche. If the threshold to this area were guarded, it would automatically thwart most of those methods which are applied on a vast scale nowadays by political and social agitators in order to rouse the masses and lead them in one direction or another, without depriving them of the illusion that they are simply acting in accordance to their own will and their own true interests.

>> No.21724255 [View]
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>"dude superior aristocrats are so above the proles because they are spiritually superior and live in accordance to higher values" then immediately disavowed Fascism, the Far Right, National Socialism, and all his beliefs after the Americans occupied Italy to avoid "nobly" spending any time in prison unlike people like Ezra Pound who spent the rest of their lives in prison or in a sanitarium
>"Degeneracy and demographic changes? Welp, nothing you can do about that, just ride the tiger and do nothing about it. Don't worry about it, we will eventually win because muh historical cycles. Trust the plan"
>from a Sicilian family and had a giant hooknose but still an insane and ardent Nordicist that thanked Germans for introducing modern monarchy and aristocracy to Italy and believed they had more racially pure souls
>a bunch of spiritualist garbage of no intellectual merit

I tried to be fair, but how is there anything worth reading by Evola? His works are quite frankly garbage. I'm giving him one final chance, justify him to me please.

>> No.21403636 [View]
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What opinions, if any, did Evola have on Kabbalah?

>> No.20475967 [View]
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Ride the Tiger

>> No.20167753 [DELETED]  [View]
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Which author is at the top of your "punch a nazi" list?

>> No.19496681 [View]
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What am I supposed to do with all this information? I thought Ride the Tiger would offer more practical advice but he only ever makes very vague allusions to what one should do. At least Guenon and the others tell you to join a Traditional religion

>> No.19451092 [View]
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>Here one should also blame the surrender and acquiescence of most men, who ought to have ridiculed this new jargon, along with many other recent 'achievements'. As for those women who, evidently ashamed of being women, encourage the application of this linguistic distortion, they should in a normal society be entrusted to specialists in diabolical hormonal manipulations, so that through adequate treatment they could be transformed into exponents of the 'third sex', thus fulfilling their aspirations on every level. However, to be fair, one wonders whether such treatment would not be appropriate also for men whenever the aforementioned acquiescence is due not so much to the subtle influences of the environment and to the unconscious processes that operate on the sub-intellectual part of the psyche of the ordinary man, but rather to an inability to react and to demonstrate true virility through moral courage and lucid, resolute judgement.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19189120 [View]
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Why exactly does this board hate Evola?

>> No.19142566 [View]
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>a survey showed zero percent of right wingers believe in public education
this is how you sound

>> No.19054431 [View]
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ride the tiger embrace tradition

>> No.18455106 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do I get into Evola?

>> No.18358103 [View]
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>The blood of the heroes is closer to God than the prayers of the faithful and the ink of the philosophers

>> No.18320711 [View]
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Who can I read that talks about the importance of tradition that isn't a schizo /pol/ tier magic retard?

>> No.18125278 [View]
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Memes aside, is it worth reading Julius Evola?

>> No.17883052 [View]
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Everything which you consider to be ahead is actually backwards. Progressivism and evolution are fake, modernism is decadent, take the redpill and stop being a normie. RETVRN TO TRADITION.

>> No.17763912 [View]
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>I'm too dumb and hung up on my own worldview to explore the idea so it doesn't even apply to me


Evolas foundational view of Race on the biological and spiritual level is the same as yours. He believes each Race is a distinct manifestation of a particular type of being and a given race shares a common sense of personality, sociality and tendency towards spirit and principle. He believes that you can't take the Black out of Blacks or the Jew out of Jews without rare exception such as a spiritual conversion or worse yet a degeneration of spirit type.

Evola does not believe in the 14 words and the proposterous almost marxist materialist view that numbers is power and that Redneck white trash and NPC suburbanites are the "Master-Race". Telling the Proles/Plebs(spiritually weak mass-folk) to breed at excess just creates more spiritually weak people that weigh down high politics and proliferate sin and a general weakness to sin. Evola believes that whites being merely biologically white has no value beyond the material if they still behave like spiritual niggers or jews. And that whichever biological race we are ultimately doesn't matter when the spiritual race we are has become secular and/or demonic and the world is in Chaos.

Go look around at the white NPCs everywhere and try to keep up the delusion that they are meant to be "woken up" somehow. You can't possibly think that, it's egalitarian, post-enlightenment nonsense. The only people who think this are rather deluded themselves and the very views they hold in high esteem and wish to push to the masses are often very rationalistic and secular. And even then, if rationalism and secularism of a certain type can't seem obvious to the masses then you can absolutely count out the possibility of a higher spiritual principles and a superior sentience, which is Evolas main concern.

The Truth is the masses live in sin and act like animals because they are indeed alittle more Animal than a Proper Human. Holding the position that breeding as many as possible for strength in numbers to combat other groups of numbers shows a submission to a very chaotic and quantitative type of tenson that is one of the main negative aspects of Modernity (See: WW1 trench warfare or the paralyzing calculative intelligences of lobbing nukes or Mass Democracy vs Mass Communism vs Mass Fascism).

But to propose as some do that Evola would be fine with Race Mixing as it's pushed today or that he didn't believe in Race is just ridiculous and shows that they haven't read his works.

Evola simply believed that we, quite evidently, have much bigger fish to fry than Race/Racism/Racialism if we want to restore Humanity which is why he critiqued Racism when it was used as an ideological framework or end goal. And also that saying "1488! lets breed white plebs at excess without orienting them towards a non-secular principle" was ultimately just icing on the cringe cake.

>> No.17648654 [View]
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I know a lot of people recommend that you start by reading the Mystery of the Grail, but am I gonna miss out on much if I start with The hermetic tradition/revolt against the modern world

>> No.17336283 [View]
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>The structure of history is, however, cyclical not evolutionary. It is far from being the case that the most recent civilizations are necessarily 'superior'. They may be, in fact, senile and decadent. There is a necessary correspondence between the most advanced stages of a historical cycle and the most primitive. America is the final stage of modern Europe. Guénon called the United States 'the far West', in the novel sense that the United States represents the reductio ad absurdum of the negative and the most senile aspects of Western civilization. What in Europe exist in diluted form are magnified and concentrated in the United States whereby they are revealed as the symptoms of disintegration and cultural and human regression. The American mentality can only be interpreted as an example of regression, which shows itself in the mental atrophy towards all higher interests and incomprehension of higher sensibility. The American mind has limited horizons, one conscribed to everything which is immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal, basic and leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Life itself in American terms is entirely mechanistic. The sense of 'I' in America belongs entirely to the physical level of existence. The typical American neither has spiritual dilemmas nor complications: he is a 'natural' joiner and conformist.

>> No.17331807 [View]
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Evola as a thinker is an absolute Gem, the problem is he talks about a range of important things and while there is obvious uniformity between his works you can't really single it down to one work, it will depend on what you're looking for. He also has written some seriously good articles that overshadow a few of his books.

The main Trilogy:
Revolt Against The Modern World
Men Among The Ruins
Ride The Tiger

Are usually considered the gravitational center of his works, Revolt being the best example of such. A solid mix of Political and Historical referencing, Political Esotericism, General Esotericism and simultaneously a very sober and modern adapted analyses of the spiritual crisis man faces in modernity considered it was written all the way back in 1936. The idea being to take on an inner character that transcends whatever political whims or religious dogmatic skeletons we try to cope with today as a consequence of lacking such transcendent connection. He's not giving you a specific method because that's besides the point, he's trying to give you a whole new frame of being and existing so you can move boldly in the right direction spiritually. It's very hyper-masculine.

Ride the Tiger is very good and /lit/ in the sense that it's a large sweep critique of how philosophy is handling the spiritual crisis and the more personal implications of being in such ideological currents.

Men Among The Ruins is probably the most accessible for somebody with atleast a /pol/ level of redpilling. It's a Political and Historical breakdown of how the West has degenerated from it's transcendent heights to a late-stage democratic shitfests with no roots or legitimate sourcepoints. It's basically a how-to of proper statecraft alongside a chronology of massive mistakes to contrast.

Revolt is definitely worth it but other books will give you useful context. Don't forget to check out other cool one's like Meditations on the Peaks for a good look at his philosophy of transcendent action, American Civilization(article) for a starkly accurate look at Americanism, or Orientations for a general overview of his politics.



>> No.17319024 [View]
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Any Evola readers know of what he thought about the "révolution nationale" in France? A very "ultra-traditional" movement compared to the fascisms and nazism of Italy and Germany. I know he wrote about what he perceived as the strengths and weaknesses of the latter two in his books, but did he write or comment anything on the aforementioned business in France, short-lived as it was?
On a glance it seems that it might have been up his alley?

>> No.17302670 [View]
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Traditionalists are the last people who can claim Nietzsche

It still baffles me how wrong Evola's understanding of Nietzsche is, even a midwit philosophy undergraduate would make a better eading of Nietzsche

>> No.17110291 [View]
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