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>> No.12012263 [View]
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>The more self-consciously mimetic a virusmaker’s creation, the more you can bet that her world-view is based on conclusions reached through chaos math, psychedelics, environmentalism, magic, spirituality, radical sexuality, conspiracy theory, or cyber-technology. These are not necessarily dark visions at all, but they are consistently antiestablishment, antiorder, and antihierarchical on a level more fundamental than most people can imagine. So far.

this checks out too.

>Originally, Virus 23 was meant more as an open-ended viral “husk,” as the creator calls it. Even though it calls for a war of NEGentropic (life-affirming, complexity-inspiring) memes against entropic ones (those that dissipate energy), the manifesto presents a much more neutral world-view—well, at least as neutral as a viral prankster can muster. For to accept the virus as a tool for societal engineering is to accept a biological model for the media and an organismic model of the human race. Today these are the most subversive opinions a person can hold.

i certainly have never thought of myself as being subversive, or transgressive. the thing with me is that i have in fact always desired rules to follow, and i just kept finding out that the rules contained other rules that in the end didn't make any sense, and the answer at that point was Fuck You. once i discovered Heidegger and Lacan i was slightly more comfortable with this, since i realized that most of human society is in fact animates by highly eroticized Stay-Puf Marshmallow Man dreams and the like. so i've become a little more okay with the rest of my species and yet at the same time i cannot shake this niggling feeling that we are all on a fucking train ride to hell, and nobody outside of a small handful of philosophers seems capable of giving a consistent and sane answer as to why that is. it's given me a fucking stomach ulcer too, and a couple of unhealthy addictions i don't otherwise need.


>For it is, as will be argued, the truth of human significance—not in the sense of an original meaning or a birthright, but in the sense of a labor that consists of the extended elaboration of what it means to be human through a series of upgradable special performances—that is rigorously inhuman.

>The force of inhumanism operates as a retroactive deterrence against antihumanism by understanding humanity historically—in the broadest physico-biological and socioeconomical sense of history—as an indispensable runway toward itself.

-- Reza Negarestani/The Labor of the Inhuman

Reza's no joke. dark as he is, there's still no reason why his thought is not compatible with YH, imho. pure and applied capitalism works, but it may not be the only way out of the meme-deadlocks of 2018. inhumanism can lead to better humans, it doesn't necessarily imply no humans and Skynet. it's Sloterdijk's feel also, i think.

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