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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17667306 [View]
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Thank you for being a positive force on /lit/. I hope you enjoy this (you).

>> No.15853618 [View]
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100% BASED!

>> No.14441384 [View]
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Holy shit that link
>Liar! That was only after someone called you on your outrageous scurrility. In your initial post you said that any woman who would marry someone who wore an ascot and pocket square to the market (meaning me) was a gold-digger and lower than a whore (or something very similar to that.)
>Frankly, Cruiser, if it were just a matter of your not caring for 3-2 rolled lapels, nobody would make a big deal of it. In point of fact, you are relentless in defending all that is cheap, lowbrow and third-rate sartorially in your tendentious, pestiferously prolix fashion. You are a first-class bore and an obnoxious boor with your relentlessly pugnacious posts. You are also a vulgar braggart, incessantly touting your "early retirement" and "six-figure retirement income" as a vindication of your thoroughly lowbrow tastes. And, if you are as rich as you say you are, you are a total cheapskate, given the clothes you buy.
>A lot of people wonder what you are doing on a forum that was in the not too distant past committed to fine dressing. Many think you are too bad to be true--some sort of sock puppet or mischievous troll. Something about you doesn't ring true. You have said you were 59 years old for at least the past 13 months. This I know for a fact.
>It's also interesting whenever I or somebody else in another forum has made a crack about you (and there are many besides me), nobody, but nobody has ever stood up and said, "Hey, don't knock Cruiser. He's okay." How does that make you feel? (On reflection, that is a stupid question, since you are obviously about as thin-skinned as a rhinoceros!) Face it, you are a universally despised laughingstock in the other fora!
>I might add, I would never say anything against your daughter. She looks like a cute kid--if you and she are even real people--and she has my deepest compassion having an obnoxious churl like you for a father.
>However, when all is said and done, I kind of enjoy having you around. You make a perfect foil--kind of like a villain in professional wrestling--The Man We Love to Hate!

>> No.12391132 [View]
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I want to sign up for your class in sophistry. This is good material, anon.

>> No.11891376 [View]
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>> No.9032144 [View]
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>judging a book by its binding

>> No.8498973 [View]
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>> No.8435504 [View]
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>be me, bored on /lit/
>decide to go on reddit
>never been on it before, but hear other anons shit on it all the time
>supposed to be plebian cesspool
>go on r/books
>"so many books, so little time"
>see posts like:
>"Does anyone else get so excited and impatient with reading their book that when a moment of revelation is coming you have to stop yourself from jumping ahead on the page?"
>"started reading harry potter"
>go on r/literature next
>then go on r/AskLiteraryStudies
>amazing discussions
>100% patrician content
>everyone is kind and enthusiastic, also generally interested in what theyre talking about
>go back to /lit/
>3 dfw posts
>2 john green posts
>9 bait threads
>1 actually interesting discussion thread with 2 replies (one of which has a dfw meme as pic related, and the other is "my diary desu")
>leave /lit/
>evolve from pleb to patrician

seriously why does anyone ever browse this shit anymore?

>> No.6360754 [View]
File: 14 KB, 400x299, heueueheeuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There she was with her ruined looks and her adult, rope-veined narrow hands and her gooseflesh white arms, and her shallow ears, and her unkempt armpits, there she was, hopelessly worn at seventeen, with that baby, dreaming already in her of becoming a big shot and retiring around 2020 A.D. --and I looked at her, and knew as clearly as I know I am to die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth, or hoped for anywhere else. She was only the faint violet whiff and dead leaf echo of the nymphet I had rolled myself upon with such cries in the past; an echo on the brink of a russet ravine, with a far wood under a white sky, and brown leaves choking the brook, and one last cricket in the crisp weeds...

>my fucking face when English isn't even his native language

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