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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21574589 [View]
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Broad shouldered Plato wrecked the machine through millenias. What are philosophical and technological implications of this? Plato enthusiastic bros how can you explain this?

>> No.13894594 [View]
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Anyone else find it odd that ancient Greek philosophy was all about the issues of morality, yet not once did they ever seem to question the morality of slavery?

They accepted life as some people are slaves and some are not. Any ancient texts that discuss the morality of slavery or at least question it?

>> No.13766690 [View]
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For example, i do not believe that women apothesize truth over emotion. They would rather relish the feeling of authority from speaking truth, but not go through the discomfort of finding truth.

Therefore, women reject truth because it does not feel good emotionally. This is true for every women that exsist and has ever exsisted. No exceptions.

>> No.9508884 [View]
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Does lit have a chart for reading platos dialogues? As in, which pertain to each other and in what order they should be read?

>> No.9087314 [View]
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anti-liberal, anti-democratic, pro-monarchist aristocratic is bad don't you know.

>> No.9080713 [View]
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So long as technological progress holds relatively steady, I think it is reasonable to say that one day we might have artificial intelligence comparable to our human intelligence.
So, could an artificial intelligence one day serve as a truly enlightened despot, similar to how Plato envisioned a philosopher king in the Republic?
Let's discuss.

>> No.8944127 [View]
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>> No.6812020 [View]
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There isn't a novel worth reading. All novels are spiritually bankrupt. Due to the flaccid nature of prose you either end up with a novel that is nauseatingly sentimental ("romantic"), or, what is by far more common, a novel that describes, analyses, explains human psychology, a scientific novel, low in sentiment, "realist", "naturalist", never riding above the filthy except for brief moments of sentimentality. The most natural form for a novel to take is satire like Don Quixote, which in a way is a prototype for all novels with its cunning psychological analysis, its "irony".

It's better to read nothing than read a novel. At least poetry has the potential to rise above the vulgar.

>> No.6662485 [View]
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>tfw reading Don Quixote as an allegory, Don Quixote is the Christian/Platonic soul ensnared by sin/false ideas, Panza is his guardian angel, all the people he meets are devils encouraging him in his sin/delusion.
>tfw Don Quixote is not just some individual delinquent, but a type of all of us who are ruled by fantasy.

>> No.6244469 [View]
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So how accurate is this video on the history of philosophy /lit/? I know nothing really about philosophy since we had religion class in school instead of it (yay private school)

>> No.6124225 [View]
File: 22 KB, 256x273, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidi confirmed for God-tier

>In another passage, the philosopher writes that the Jewish people, with their "talent for calculation", were so vehemently opposed to the Nazi's racial theories because "they themselves have lived according to the race principle for longest".

>In one passage, Heidegger argues that like fascism and "world judaism", Soviet communism and British parliamentarianism should be seen as part of the imperious dehumanising drive of western modernity: "The bourgeois-Christian form of English 'bolshevism' is the most dangerous. Without its destruction, the modern era will remain intact."

>In an almost playful dig at English culture, he writes: "What, other than engineering and metaphysically paving the way for socialism, other than commonplace thinking and tastelessness, has England contributed in terms of 'culture'?"

>Trawny, who is also director of the Martin Heidegger Institute, said he was "shocked" when he discovered the antisemitic passages a year and a half ago, but decided to go ahead with their publication in spite of the potential damage they could cause to the philosopher's legacy. "I still think you can engage with Heidegger constructively," he said. "These revelations will help that process."


>> No.6076390 [View]
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>> No.5998613 [View]
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When did you realize that Plato was the greatest genius that ever lived?

>> No.5955685 [View]
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>having sex with the image and not the "real" body.

Please tell me how you achieve this, we have been trying to figure it out for years.

>> No.5936256 [View]
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My mind is mine.
I disregard all knowledge that is not my own and that doesn't contribute to my ownership of myself.
People talk to me about age-old empires that have faded away. They point me to wasted monuments and scribblings on bits of old paper as "proof" that these empires existed, but these forgotten empires mean nothing to me and I am highly suspicious of these "teachers", these seemingly selfless bringers of seeming knowledge, who want to tell me what happened hundreds of years ago and why. Therefore, I disregard it all. For me, Plato is my Plato or Plato does not exist, because whoever controls my Plato controls my mind, because if someone convinces me that all of "western thought" began 2500 years ago with a man called Plato, and then proceed to tell me who this Plato was and what his thought was, they have seized control of my perceptions, coloured my thoughts, captured my mind. For me, Plato is a smelly old man that lives in a cabin on the side of a hill near some woods. He has a dog called Aristotle that he likes to take for walks, and he is very superstitious about what birds he sees and at what times.
I hear people bragging a lot about knowledge that they have, only to discover that their knowledge isn't even their own, but some shared property distributed among members of a nation or a college or some other group. I ask them if they know anything for themselves and they say, "what, you mean my opinions on things?", and I say, no.

>> No.4211520 [DELETED]  [View]
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what are your favorite Plato dialogues, /lit/?

Which are the best?

>> No.4192401 [View]
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Philosophy Honours student here,

Dubs decides what area of philosophy I specialize in next year (looking at doing a Master's).

Don't let me down /lit/friends.

>> No.4169651 [View]
File: 22 KB, 256x273, thephilosophyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhetoricians can suck the form of this
*grabs dick*

>> No.4117278 [View]
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10. A master's thesis in English involves applying your seminar learning to a mid-long scale paper directed by your mentor. You will probably wind up writing about what they're interested in, so try to find a professor who shares your goals. A doctoral dissertation is similar, but much longer and more involved, and you have more autonomy. Don't get too ambitious on either unless you plan to go for one of the few tenure track positions at the Ivy League level.

11. For your studies, and for your career, be sure to pick a city that you can tolerate living in. If you need to choose between a lower paying job in a place that you love, or a well-paying job in the middle of nowhere, pick the former.

12. Never, ever, pay for graduate school. You will be able to find programs that will give you tuition remission and a stipend for teaching. Do not go into debt.

13. Never write or teach for free. Any job that offers "experience" is using you for free labor.

14. No job is beneath you, and the "top" schools often have the shittiest students. I've taught at community colleges, private universities, and the R1 institute where I'm studying now. I would rather teach a class of community college kids any day.

15. Don't forget why you love English. If your current career path is taking you in a direction you don't like, find a new job.

16. Love your students. Never let yourself resent them. Never treat them like a single mass. They are frightened, they are ignorant, they are often distracted and bored. They are also producing new knowledge every time they write. Encourage them as best you can. Let them come to their own conclusions about texts (but make them justify them!). Don't tell them the "right" answer unless you're talking about grammar. Remember that you're doing this for them, not for yourself.

And that's all I have for now.

>> No.4095398 [View]
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Drug abuse is an addictive vice for the diseased, incompetent, and weak. It preys upon the rationalizations of the well-to-do and naive, who have absolutely no understanding of the dangers they deal with and fall into idiotic pop-culture hedonism

This is not literature, This is not academic, and it is not going to make you a better person. Get the hell out of my /lit/ you navel-grazing hedonist shitstain

>> No.4050676 [View]
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Do people really find Wittgenstein's family resemblance more convincing than Plato's forms?

And is there a middle-ground between them?

>> No.3867578 [View]
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>implying Plato wouldn't be a great commie

>> No.3792071 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 22 KB, 256x273, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much every book I've read in my life, excluding (most) kiddy books. I'm 18. Am I on a good track? Do I need to read more? I think I read more than the general population, at least
The Stranger
Brave New World
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Chronicles of Narnia
The Power of Habit
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Proof of Heaven
The Great Gatsby
Crime and Punishment
Nineteen Eighty-four
A Game of Thrones
The Time Machine
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Odyssey
The Catcher in the Rye
Return of the King
The Two Towers
Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Roses are Red
Theodore Boone: The Abduction
Calicoe Joe
The Rainmaker
The Firm
The Summons
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
Of Mice and Men
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The Help
War and Peace
The Tipping Point
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Big Short
Enders Game
Enders Shadow
Speaker for the Dead
Fahrenheit 451
The Dragon Reborn
The Great Hunt
The Eye of the World
The Fires of Heaven
The Shadown Rising
Treasure Island
A Study in Scarlet
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Sign of Four
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking
Over Sea, Under Stone
How to Read Literature Like a Professor
The Shack
Steve Jobs
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
Lord of the Flies
Romeo and Juliet
Life of Pi
Holy Bible

>> No.3735525 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm working on my report that's due tomorrow for English. It's centred on the Apology and Socrates. Also English is my second language so keep that in mind. Looking for more intellectual critique though. Critique would be appreciated

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