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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.2926044 [View]
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Demonoid was great for those, Piratebay has a few, but not very many.

>> No.2029647 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>apply for a job at a fancy bookstore
>>they give me a questionnaire in order to assess my literary culture
>>can't answer like half of those questions
>>mfw I am an uncultured pleb

>> No.2011719 [View]
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>> No.1976522 [View]
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>That feel when your book spontaneously combusts while searching for the answer to the pottermore clue.

>> No.1751197 [View]
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But I do have way more stacks of filled-in blank papers and post-its than stacks of Moleskines.
Some people are just interested in aesthetics, the clean-cut look of this particular one does it for me, it also gives a certain predefined worth, forcing you to take more care of your writings (regarding that, somehow, half of my loose papers end up heavily creased underneath my bed).
If I had to write on toilet paper, my writings would probably end up in the toilet, I've already used too many regular printing sheets to wipe my ass this year, because one of my new housemates had terminated whole rolls of tp with unanticipated explosive diarrhea, I'd rather walk around with an odorous arse than tear apart my notebook.

That's just as obnoxious as making up your opinion around a band solely based on the fan base. Even if they believe the Moleskine improves their writing, what harm does it do? No one forces you to hang around with them, no sane publisher will be more eager to pick a writer that utilises Moleskines than one who uses a brandless notebook (can't guarantee you can get picked by that sane publisher if you write on toilet paper though).

>> No.1737368 [View]
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>mfw my local bookstore recently stocked the most amazing book, full Hiroshige's work, that I've ever seen, but I don't have the money to buy it at the moment.

>> No.1501074 [View]
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Hey I need help, I just need a answer to a question. I'm in community college right now, and I wanted to buy a book for music theory, but the book I really wanted is at the next door university. Will I be able to buy the book if I'm not a student there?

First time poster

>> No.1431868 [View]
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Oh god, the trolls are here too.

>> No.1374347 [View]
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>Go to library
>Head over to "M" to see if they have a Murakami I haven't read yet
>Decide to get Dance Dance Dance and Norwegian Wood
>notice cute girl a few feet away with 2 books under her shoulder
>pants get tight
>walk up to counter and check out
>"Don't forget this"
>turn around, its her
>she hands me Norwegian Wood, which i must have left on shelf
>notice that one of her books is "Rudin" by Turgenev
>pants get tighter
>open my mouth to say something
>her phone rings
>ring tone is Kesha
leave without saying anything

>> No.1355994 [View]
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i enjoy reading non fiction books

>none of my friends likes to read

>> No.1314116 [View]
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>up north with bud and 2 girls i don't know
>buddy is mackin' away
>girl im talking with has boyfreind
>bawwwwwing over how she cheated on him once
>mfw she was reading The Stranger earlier that day

>> No.1251498 [View]
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your children will never know that vampires suck blood and not cock

>> No.1241277 [View]
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>> No.1175550 [View]
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>your face when you can't make lesbian finger babies with anybody

>> No.1158159 [View]
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>that feeling of obligation towards finishing every book I've started

>> No.1057145 [View]
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I'm guessing your professor doesn't like using computers/emails/message boards for these things (hence the string of commas). I don't blame him or her for that. Still, it's a pretty pathetic opening.

>> No.1026637 [View]
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Anyway, thank you all for your time

Sorry for herping the derp so hard.

>> No.1016901 [View]
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>I will never be able to turn myself into a woman and fuck all day for 300 years

>> No.974432 [View]
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The volume of the book I bought had massive spoilers in the synopsis on the back.

>> No.971372 [View]
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This is sort of off-topic and sort of on-topic. Let me explain and then you can decide if you think you can help me. I got raped by a black man while I was a college student. I try not to be racist, but I feel distrust well up inside me whenever I deal with an African American male. I feel bad about it sometimes, but I don't really have any control over it. Still, I'd like to get rid of these feelings if possible. Does /lit/ know of any books that could help me deal with this problem? What about some technique for dealing with unwanted feelings?

>> No.961010 [View]
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Femanon here. One of my teachers wanted me to write a short, short essay on some aspect of femininity. What does /lit/ think of this

"Have you ever wondered why women spend so much time applying makeup and buying shoes? Why they spend so much time trying to look *beautiful* when men would be satisfied just to see some tits and ass on display?

It is because they are ashamed of their stinky assholes and armpits. They are constantly bombarded with images of feminine purity and perfection in the media, and then just as they get the idea in their heads that perhaps they are the graceful princess from TV, their stomach rumbles and they have to take a big, dirty shit. This doesn't jive with their image of what femininity is all about, so they overcompensate for their smelly shits and farts by dolling up with makeup and perfume.

Will I get in trouble for turning this in?

>> No.944290 [View]
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I'm pretty ashamed by my tastes. I ONLY read fantasy and romance because other genres always bore me to tears. I get mocked for it in real life but I know I deserve it. Why am I so lame?

i'm not stupid so don't say i am. i scored 175 on the LSAT and my IQ is above 130.

>> No.928272 [View]
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Why is it wrong to fuck children? I've come to believe that it can be acceptable to do so, though they are certain caveats involved. Some children are smart enough to understand what they are doing, and many adults are so stupid they don't really understand anything. Why is it wrong to fuck a child capable of real consent? It seems to me that it becomes ok to have sex with someone when they can consent: that's why rape is wrong and why normal fucking isn't. So, I just can't see how all instances of pedophilia are a form of rape. Take the kids in Ender's Game as an example. Do you really think the average adult understands more about the world and the decisions they make than the children at the battle school did?

>> No.916051 [View]
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/lit/, I'm having an existential crisis and I'm coming to you because you're the nicest board here. I'm going to be a college freshman come August twenty-third and my major is physics. It's just that I don't think I'm as smart as I've tricked myself and everyone else to be. Should I switch my major to a soft science or philosophy or something?

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